The Recipient Experience, Part 1 – Shareability

The Recipient Experience, Part 1 – Shareability
Summary: In the first part of this 3-part article series about leveraging digital certificates and badges in your online training or eLearning programs, we will focus on one of the core tenets of the Recipient Experience: Shareability.

How To Leverage Digital Certificates And Badges: The Recipient Experience – Shareability

There is a lot of competition in the online learning, certification, executive education, and training spaces. Whether you’re providing a free online course to learn a skill like social media marketing or whether you’re issuing a prestigious professional certification, praise from happy students is the gold standard for referrals. Given the overlap between many personal and professionals makes this praise an excellent source for new certificate-seekers. Word of mouth and individual referrals have a much lower cost of acquisition when compared to paid advertising or paid lead generation. In short, you want to make it as easy as possible for people to download and share their certificate, as this can be an effective and inexpensive lead generation tool for your organization.

Get a free eBook on How To Leverage Digital Certificates And Badges
Digital badges and certificates are an effective way to boost learner engagement.

There is a number of ways individuals share their achievements. The most common are:


LinkedIn is the largest professional social network and, for many, their one place to showcase professional achievements. Most certifications and course completions will get posted to LinkedIn if you provide the right share link. It’s important to note that new changes to LinkedIn have made it more difficult to share with one click. This means you need to make the process as seamless as possible, and provide detailed instructions on how to add achievements to a profile.


We’ve noticed Twitter, although for many considered a more personal social network, is one of the most popular places for people to share their achievement. The key is to make sure you make it easy to do with two clicks, and it shouldn’t take them more than a few seconds. The first click should bring up the Twitter posting form, and the second click should be to Tweet the message. Yes, some people will want to tweak what’s written, but it is up to you to make sure the default message is clear, concise, and ready to go to eliminate as much friction as possible.

Embed Options: Website And Email Signatures

Many professionals have personal websites where they showcase their resumes, CVs, or other skillsets and domain knowledge. Being able to easily embed the digital certificate on their website, or link to it in their email signature, is hugely important; professional email signatures get lots of visibility by colleagues and clients. In contrast to places like Twitter or Facebook where old posts are buried quickly, a personal website has a much longer lifespan, continuing to show your certification. Again, it’s important to make sure that your embedded code or link follows good best practices:

  • Make sure the URL is permanent.
    The last thing you want to do is provide a URL that ends up being broken or taken down.
  • Ensure the certificate is mobile friendly.
    Now more than half of internet traffic occurs from mobile devices, so you want to make sure your design looks good even when it’s on a phone or tablet.
  • Know that your online certificates are compatible with all major browsers.
    Since a lot of people are doing their work-related browsing from work devices, it’s not uncommon for them to be using older or more dated versions of web browsers. Just because your certificate looks good on the latest version of Chrome doesn’t mean it will look good on a two year old version of Internet Explorer.


It’s not as common for people to post work-related items to Facebook as it is LinkedIn, or even Twitter, but considering over 2 billion people are now on Facebook, it’s good to provide the functionality. Much like Twitter, you want to make sure that the default share message is ready to go with the proper organization names, URLs, and other information.

Other Social Networks

The truth is various professional industries end up having their own unique sets of social networks. When you’re providing sharing options, only supporting LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter won’t suffice. Make sure to use a sharing widget that can offer a wider variety of sharing options depending on who the end user is. For example, a graphic designer may want to post his certificate to a different location that a teacher.


Print is dead! Long live print! Sure, for many organizations the need for printed certificates is no longer a given. However, some organizations still want (or need, for compliance reasons) to provide physical copies, and that’s important to remember. When you’re choosing a digital issuing service, make sure you choose one that has the options for creating high-resolution designs that can be printed professionally or from home.

Final Word

Wherever you encourage sharing, make sure to always give detailed, step-by-step instructions. Take time and put effort into crafting well thought out default messages to make sharing as frictionless as possible. Don’t forget to show your support for your recipients by liking, commenting, or sharing their posts. It’s a great way to show you care and it goes a long way in building rapport.

Read the second part of this article series, The Recipient Experience, Part 2, to learn about another core tenet of the Recipient Experience: Time Delivery.

If you want to know more about implementing the Recipient Experience successfully, download the free eBook How To Leverage Digital Certificates And Badges To Differentiate Your Program And Generate More Referrals.

Related Articles:

  1. Free eBook: How To Leverage Digital Certificates And Badges To Differentiate Your Program And Generate More Referrals
  2. How To Leverage Digital Certificates And Badges: The Recipient Experience
  3. 3 Clever Marketing Tactics To Improve Your eLearning Program
Originally published on November 24, 2017