Leveraging Gagné's Nine Events Of Instruction

Leveraging Gagné's Nine Events Of Instruction

Leveraging Gagné's Nine Events Of Instruction

Creating Engaging eLearning Content: Leveraging Gagne’s Nine Events Of Instruction

At their very basic, Gagné’s Nine Events Of Instruction can help eLearning professionals achieve the following goals:

Gagné formalized the above thoughts into a set of 9 instructional principles or events, which revolve around internal and external cognitive dynamics that directly or indirectly impacts a learner’s ability to learn and retain new information.

Let’s explore those nine events of instruction in further detail, and talk about how eLearning content creators can leverage them to their advantage.

1. Gain Learners’ Attention

Distant learners have more opportunities to get easily distracted – more so than classroom learners. It is, therefore, important to make sure that the eLearner is all “fired up” to start learning the new activity. To do this, you must stimulate their attention with compelling led-in introductions. For example, you can:

2. Communicate Course Objectives To The Learner

Notify learners about the expected outcomes and objectives of the course prior to course commencement.

3. Relate New Information To Past Knowledge/Experiences

Link content that will be explored in your course to previously learned or experienced knowledge/situations:

4. Offer Goal-Oriented Core Content

Make sure content is meaningfully segmented, with measurable/demonstrable goals following each section:

5. Offer Learning Guidance To Students

Support learners with online learning aids to help them understand, reinforce, and master the content presented in the course:

6. Provide Revision And Reinforcement Through Practice

Use various strategies to help learners recall, remember, and reinforce what they’ve already learned:

7. Give Timely And Meaningful Feedback

Include automated means for learners to assess where they stand by providing:

8. Include Early And Frequent Assessments

Add milestone tests and assessments at every level:

9. Facilitate Internalization Through Real-World Applications

Help learners translate the knowledge provided by the course into real-world situations:

Although these nine events of instruction have been presented as a sequential list, in reality, the events will likely overlap, or even inter-mingle. Rather than trying to implement each event independently, in linear form, online content creators should look at weaving various events throughout the course – more in iterative or circular fashion.

For instance, depending on how your course is structured, you may want to invoke the principles behind event #1: Gain Learners Attention, at several points throughout the course rather than just at the beginning of the course.


Your primary objective, as eLearning content designers and developers, is to produce courses that online learners can relate to, and which they will be able to engage with. Gagné’s Nine Events Of Instruction will help you craft carefully designed online content and truly motivate your audience.

By using various strategies proposed in this article, you’ll ensure that your students not only understand what you are teaching them; but that they actually take that knowledge back into their real world and apply the new concepts to improve their overall performance and achieve organizational goals and objectives.

The Instructional Design for eLearning: Essential Guide to Creating Successful eLearning Courses book provides additional examples and best practices for designing instructionally sound eLearning courses using Gagne’s Nine Events Of Instruction. This book is also available in Spanish. In addition, you may be interested in the Instructional Design for eLearning course, which also includes a lesson on Gagne’s Nine Events as well as other lessons on creating effective eLearning materials.

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