eBook Release: LMS Design & Content Resources

Free eBook: LMS Design & Content Resources

Free eBook: LMS Design & Content Resources

LMS Design & Content Resources – Bringing It All Together

The procedure of purchasing an LMS is surely a tedious one. And guess what. Once you buy it, a lot more hard work comes your way. You need to make the call on design matters, and come up with great, engaging content, never forgetting that you have to keep a tight budget.

LMS Design & Content Resources
Discover the top LMS design and content resources to draw in your learners and cultivate a culture of learning under budget!

Don’t get daunted though. As stated in its title, this eBook is aiming at giving you solutions for every issue arising from decisions having to do with LMS Design & Content Resources. You will see that it makes up for a collection of tips, best practices, and specific proposals on free tools that will get you going.

About The eBook

Starting from the foundation of design, referring to categories of items needed, proceeding with available resources for LMS content, and presenting solutions on the basics and beyond them, LMS Design & Content Resources is a compilation that brings it all together.

To kick it off, we have selected distinctive extracts of decades of experience in the field of design, pointing out what to do and don’t do. Take the experts’ word for it, rate beauty, functionality, and reflective highly. Don’t include anything that meets those standards though, as you have to be moderate; going for less, but better.

Digging into style, you’ll also find advises for colors, and templates, even SEO and tone of writing. As for image, in here you will find free tools for finding and editing photographs, as well as producing video content with the help of your smartphone. Be mindful of the concept when filling out your LMS. Don’t get carried away with frills and kitsch.

Moving on to resources for content, you can see that there are plenty of tools. All that is proposed is tested, utilized in Wisetail and used by clients to bolster their stellar L&D strategies. Thrilled of the idea of going from paper to PDF to interactive media? This is the section that will interest you the most. Further reading will enable you to film the training yourself, even introduce video games. Interaction characterizes assessment too, bringing flashcards for quizzes, tests, and diagrams.

Going the extra mile, LMS Design & Content Resources incorporates insight into the use of Google Forms, podcasts, and user-generated content that gives an air of authenticity. Enhance mobile learning and engage your learners by allowing them to take part in the process from wherever they are.

If you want to discover the best free and low-cost Learning Management System design & content resources, download this eBook today.

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