7 Sales Online Training Activities Employees Expect When They Login To An LMS

7 Sales Online Training Activities Employees Expect When They Login To An LMS
Summary: You have certain expectations for your sales team that cover everything from hitting monthly targets to upholding compliance. But what do they expect when they log into your online training LMS?

Essential Sales Online Training Activities An LMS Must Include

There are some sales online training activities that employees expect for all the wrong reasons. They dread outdated safety videos and ILT presentations that seem to ramble on forever. And they know that one or two manual read-throughs are par for the online course, even if it causes cognitive overload. This leaves many employees with negative preconceptions about L&D. They acknowledge that online training could be so much better if it was personalized and catered to their job duties. If it fostered an emotional connection instead of leaving them bored to tears. These 7 sales online training activities are on every employees’ LMS wish list.

eBook Release: Skyrocket Sales On A Global Scale: How To Launch A Successful Sales Online Training Program In Your Organization
eBook Release
Skyrocket Sales On A Global Scale: How To Launch A Successful Sales Online Training Program In Your Organization
Get to know how to launch, enhance and retain successful programs in your organization.

1. Product Demos

Every employee hopes to see product demos that show them not only how the item works, but how to pitch it. How to show it off to prospective buyers so that they can improve functionality. Include detailed demo videos that focus on one product at a time. For example, the first 3-minute video showcases your new app or device. Every video in this series covers a unique product in the line instead of clumping them together. As such, employees are able to quickly explore the item in question and refresh their memory. Instead of having to sit through a half-hour product demo that covers the entire shelf.

2. Task Tutorials

Deal negotiations and 'haggling' often spring to mind when you think of sales. However, your sales employees perform a variety of tasks. Including POS transactions and possibly even returns. Create task tutorials that teach them every step of the process and highlight related skills. For example, step 1 explores the login process so that they can access the checkout platform. Step 2 includes screen recordings of the actual transaction so that they can follow along, and so on.

3. Compliance Cheat Sheets

There are far too many policies and regulations to remember off the top of their heads. So, develop compliance cheat sheets that employees use to avoid costly breaches. One of the effective formats is an eLearning infographic. Include the top 5 dress code policies or COI issues. Then offer tips to mitigate risks and stay in compliance. Add images, charts, and links to improve comprehension and tie all the elements together. Sales online training course cheat sheets shouldn’t be a crutch though. Encourage employees to use them in 'emergencies' so that they gradually memorize the main takeaways.

4. Sales Checklists

Did the employee remember to greet the customer and ask targeted questions? What should they do if a client is apprehensive about the purchase and wants to 'think it over?' How do they set up service contracts if the customer decides to purchase a warranty? These are all things employees must remember for every single interaction. Create checklists that quickly recap the process and help them overcome common challenges. They can cross each item off the list on their mobile device and then move onto the next step. It’s also a great knowledge refresher between transactions so that they’re mentally prepared for the next client.

5. Soft Skill Branching Scenarios

Online training scenarios help employees build soft skills because they facilitate experiential knowledge. Employees benefit from their mistakes as they’re exposed to real-world challenges and personas. Branching scenarios allow them to see how active listening and empathy can help them improve their sales stats. And how negative habits or performance behaviors drive away hot prospects. Speaking of which, you should also include lead qualification branching scenarios that expose them to vetting protocols. Such as which questions to ask and how to differentiate interested buyers from casual store visitors.

6. Pitch Simulations

Sales pitches are an art form. Employees can’t coerce customers into making the purchase. But they also can’t take a laid back approach that makes consumers feel slighted. Staffers need to know how to convey the product benefits and features in a favorable light without relying on gimmicks. Pitch simulations give them the opportunity to test out their sales skills and scripts in a supportive setting. Of course, customers shouldn’t be able to tell that they’ve rehearsed the pitch. It should feel organic and off the cuff. Simulations impart practical experience so that employees show genuine interest in the customer’s needs and expectations. They also learn how to handle the most common buying 'excuses.' For instance, what to do if a customer shows concern about the price point or ongoing maintenance.

7. eLearning Self-Assessments

Incorporate pop quizzes that encourage self-reflection and performance evaluation. These eLearning self-assessments help sales staffers identify areas for improvement on their own instead of faltering on the sales floor or during a client meeting. They discover skill or performance gaps that stand in the way of personal success. But don’t stop at the sticking points. Provide a list of follow-up online training resources they can use to bridge the gaps. For example, a social media group that offers peer-based support. Or a few sales employee online training JIT tools to help them hone soft skills and empathize with customers.

Staffers expect these sales online training activities because they form a solid foundation at every stage of the employment cycle. New hires get to explore job roles and tasks from day one. While experienced team members refresh their memory and reinforce what they already know. And everyone can use the online training library to bridge emerging gaps or develop skills that widen your profit margin. Does your current online training program surpass their expectations or make them second guess their place in your organization?

As a general rule, your sales team should be well-rounded. Is a new sales online training course worth the investment? Download the eBook Skyrocket Sales On A Global Scale: How To Launch A Successful Sales Online Training Program In Your Organization and get to know how to launch, enhance and retain successful programs in your organization.