Making Microlearning Work For You

Making Microlearning Work For You

Making Microlearning Work For You

Change And Adapt...

Technology has transformed the modern world, that is undeniable. In the short ten years since the smartphone as we know it first emerged, it has become an integral part of day-to-day life.

Microlearning comes from an organizational pushback against long-form, traditional learning. It bridges the gap between the conventional role of learning in the workplace and the modern reality of instant access to a world of information.

eBook Release
Maximising Microlearning: An Overview Of Short Form Learning In The Corporate Sector
Discover the realities and benefits of microlearning in the modern workplace and how it can be applied.

Nowadays, it appears that organizations do not want to dedicate their employees' time to taking long training courses or working through dense textbooks in hopes they will learn important skills and become more effective in their job. What's more, this becomes considerably less appealing when you look at the degradation of content retention. It has been observed that 85% of all content learned is either forgotten or degraded beyond any use within six weeks, a fact which leaves companies wondering why they should expend their employees valuable time in the pursuit of learning when inevitably, 85% of it becomes redundant.

Microlearning Is Working To Challenge These Statistics By Taking A Direct Look At The Root Of The Problem

Firstly, there is an issue surrounding the agency of the learner. Traditionally, long-form learning is something done to a person, they are a passive object within their learning, rather than an active subject. This creates a disengagement from the learning and consequently imposes a barrier to effectual learning. At the heart of microlearning is the shifting of the learner from an object within their learning to being the subject of their learning. This creates an environment of engagement and speaks to the desire of learners to lean forward and get involved in their learning.

In creating higher levels of engagement, it is important to make content available anytime and anywhere. Microlearning takes advantage of modern technology, providing content with both online and offline options, and available anywhere through mobile formats—from the morning commute to the taxi ride on the way to an important meeting. The ability to access the content at any instance gives individuals a sense of control, enabling learners to take further ownership of how they undertake their learning.

Designing content to be easily accessed at any time allows content to be utilized at the moment of need, which forms a crucial part of creating effective microlearning. This directly combats the 85% retention gap. Content can be provided at the exact moment of use—such as before an important meeting, presentation, or when dealing with an unfamiliar topic. This ensures the instant application of learning, rather than waiting weeks for the information to degrade, and inevitably become useless. This can only be achieved through microlearning, and importantly, microlearning that is quick and easy to access.

The production of short-form content must go hand-in-hand with its delivery to ensure the effectiveness of microlearning. The retailing and marketing of content is fundamental in ensuring engagement. Leaving huge swathes of content on the shelf with no direct application will undoubtedly go ignored; instead, the content needs to be tailored to specific challenges, allowing for learners to apply the content to learning outcomes. By tailoring the content to a specific event, the learning gains newfound relevance and drives engagement.

Yet, in the world of instant entertainment and decreasing attention spans, microlearning should not cram too much information into a single video. Content is better placed through being sliced-and-diced, to break-down information into different videos covering interrelated topics. These videos can focus on the parts learners need to know and cut directly to the point. It is important not to force the learner through all the content—people don't like to be pushed, as this will simply lead to resistance. Rather, it is sensible to guide them to videos on similar topics which the learner might find beneficial. This again places the learner in ownership of their learning and creates full and proper engagement with the content.

The true test with microlearning comes with its delivery, ensuring that all the elements that have been discussed here, are properly implemented into a simple but effective bundle, something which is going to grab employees' attention and turn them into active and engaged learners. It can be easy to get lost in the minutiae here, but the delivery of the perfect microlearning package doesn't have to be a daunting challenge fraught with difficulties. The full details of successfully delivering a microlearning package can be found in Skill Pill's brand new eBook Maximising Microlearning: An Overview of Short-Form learning in the Corporate Sector, which provides all the information needed to enter into the world of microlearning.

Achieving user engagement, content retention, and immediate access to content in the moment of need is the true goal of microlearning. Through the restructuring of traditional learning—accomplished by the application of technology and allowing individuals to take ownership of their learning—microlearning delivers the most effective and engaging form of modern workplace learning. Through delivering content at a moment's notice and in short, actionable segments, you can embrace microlearning within your workplace and ensure that it works for you.

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