Microlearning And Online Video Teaching: 8 Trends To Expect

8 Online Video Teaching And Microlearning Trends
Summary: Whether you are a keen lifelong learner, a mother helping her child get to grips with online learning, or a teacher with some knowledge you’d like to share, it is important to know the latest trends in microlearning and online video teaching.

8 Online Video Teaching And Microlearning Trends

It is not uncommon these days to see a child playing games and watching educational videos on an iPad or tablet. This may prompt the widely heard saying, "I was outside playing games and reading books at that age!" Whilst we all see fewer and fewer books around, it is evident that productivity and technology are closely related. Did you know that productivity increases by 43% when using a smartphone or smart device such as a watch? eLearning has developed considerably in the past few years, with more learners using their phones and other devices for the development of their knowledge. The trends are never-ending, so by keeping track of them, you can boost your eLearning to the next level. Are you ready to discover more online learning trends? Keep reading!

1. Online Video Teaching and Microlearning Are More Personalized

As teachers are beginning to offer live one-to-one classes via eLearning platforms, lessons have inevitably developed to address the needs of the student. Teachers can ask students about the topics that interest them, the subjects that they feel need more focus or improvement, and in which topics their strengths lie. Lessons can resultantly be planned and tailored to cover the topics necessary for each student.

The communication encouraged as a result of this real-time connection can also help to develop communication and interpersonal skills for both the teacher and the learner.

2. Game-Based Learning Accelerates The Transfer Of Basic Academic Skills

Technology is an excellent method used by teachers to promote active learning. This means that pupils are engaging with the learning materials rather than passively listening to the teacher. Games such as Kahoot and other quiz apps are typically used by teachers in schools and colleges, yet now there has also been a tendency to include this type of game-based learning in online lessons. This trend is predicted to grow in the coming years.

3. Human Attention Span Is Driving eLearning Trends

Did you know that the average human attention span is around 7 minutes? This is almost unsurprising as we are constantly bombarded with content from adverts, social media, and the internet. It is difficult to choose what to give our attention to!

As a result, the tendency for students to try bite-size, digestible chunks of educational content is increasing. Video lessons also tend to last around 15-30 minutes, compared to the 1-hour typical lessons in conventional learning. This can help promote concentration and allows students to research their own interests and develop their learning in their own time. Videos also retain attention more effectively, with the average time spent watching an internet video lasting 2.7 minutes in comparison to 10-20 seconds spent on a webpage before closing it.

4. On-The-Go Training Is In Demand

The flexibility associated with virtual learning allows students to participate in lessons at their convenience. This means that pre-recorded lessons can be watched by students on their commute to work, in their free time, and even during holidays. This is further encouraged by the short duration of online video lessons. Students can learn anywhere and anytime that they wish, even from the comfort of their own sofa!

5. Informal Learning Creates A Culture Of Continuous Exploration

Learning has progressed beyond the classroom. Around 73% of Americans describe themselves as lifelong learners, meaning that they are constantly striving to add to their knowledge and explore new disciplines. This cannot always be achieved through learning in the conventional way, as schools and colleges tend to have a strict curriculum covering a selected range of subjects.

Beyond this, there are many who are keen to learn about other subjects such as dance, art, photography, cooking, DIY, and yoga. Learning about these topics is possible informally with peers as well as through online courses and live tutoring calls.

6. Self-Directed Learning Empowers Learners Existing Skills

Learners are required to motivate themselves, set their own goals, and devise their own schedules when it comes to learning. Self-directed learning methods are a huge contrast to school and university, where teachers tend to devise the curriculum, select topics to cover, and produce a timetable. You can now play games, use Artificial Intelligence, and learn about any subject that you want with a coffee from your phone. This trend is only expected to grow as dependence on the teacher dissipates.

7. AI Is Highly Likely To Become Prominent In The Future

It has been predicted that online learning will begin to incorporate Artificial Intelligence into their online lessons in order to improve the suitability of classes for students. AI can also help to filter through a large amount of digital information and find suitable articles, content, and learning materials for students. This usage of Artificial Intelligence is likely to continue and advance in order to provide the best possible lessons for students.

8. Automatic Learning Is The Future Of eLearning

It is interesting to review what some individuals have predicted for the future of eLearning. So, you pick a highly visual activity (requiring a large amount of activity in the visual cortex) such as throwing an object. You find somebody that knows how to do this activity and attach them to an fMRI machine. This machine will record the brain patterns that occur when performing such an activity. You then attach yourself to this machine and allow your brain to familiarize itself with the brain activity and patterns recorded from the expert.

This could potentially develop further in the very distant future with less visual activities, allowing learners to share brain activity patterns and learning automatically.

Where To Next?

Teachers are always searching for new methods to keep learners engaged in classes as our attention span decreases and the days of pen and paper slowly become history. There are numerous trends and developments in online video teaching and microlearning which have been developed to achieve this.

Times are changing. As we have been physically separated by the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, the necessity for connections, learning, and life online has become inescapable. We are all trying to keep up with these changing times and follow the trends to gain the best learning experience and develop the best teaching techniques possible.

Now you can too.

Originally published on August 9, 2020