eBook Release– Microlearning Techniques: Driving Results By Empowering Learners

Free eBook – Microlearning Techniques: Driving Results By Empowering Learners

Free eBook – Microlearning Techniques: Driving Results By Empowering Learners

Microlearning Techniques: Driving Results By Empowering Learners

As technological changes transform our everyday lives, we must address the influence technology has on how we learn and work. Whether it’s simply new habits or a total overhaul in the way we think, technology has changed the way we do our jobs and the way we look for information to help us do those jobs. That is why companies need to adapt the way they train employees. In the eBook Microlearning Techniques: Driving Results By Empowering Learners you will explore how microlearning can help organizations adjust to this change in the way employees learn.

eBook Release
eBook - Microlearning Techniques: Driving Results By Empowering Learners
Microlearning has become increasingly relevant as technology changes the way we learn and work.

AllenComm’s CEO Ron Zamir says microlearning is more than a trendy buzzword. “It’s a response to growing learner and workplace complexity”, he says. “As technology changes more quickly, it’s allowed us to incorporate microlearning faster than any other transformation in our approach to education.” As learners become more informed, and have more control over when, where, and how they access information in their day-to-day lives, your employees and customers expect a similar level of access and control in their training. Employees also have expanding job responsibilities and are being expected to do “more with more”.

Microlearning can serve more personalized and relevant information closer to the point of need. By using micro elements in your curriculum, learners are able to choose only what is most relevant to their job and experience level – ultimately creating a personalized experience. Microlearning is an important modality for you to consider when developing your training strategy. You can empower learners and drive productivity by expanding access to focused, relevant content.

About The eBook

There is a large amount of information we are expected to know to be effective at work; the eBook Microlearning Techniques: Driving Results By Empowering Learners will show you how microlearning helps by letting learners engage with what they need to and easily look up the rest. Let’s have a look at the eBook’s key chapters:

  1. What Is Microlearning?
    A look at three critical components that define microlearning.
  2. Is Microlearning Right For You?
    Five signs that can help companies gauge if a microlearning strategy should be explored.
  3. Microlearning In The Learning Lifecycle.
    An overview of the various ways microlearning can be situated throughout the learning lifecycle.
  4. Microlearning In Readiness.
    We discuss how microlearning can be used in the readiness stage to engage learners before training.
  5. Microlearning In Discovery.
    A look at how short, focused content during the discovery lifecycle stage can aid learners in better understanding complex topics.
  6. Microlearning In Reinforcement.
    Using microlearning during the reinforcement lifecycle stage to offer learners a personalized and effective training course.
  7. Developing A Microlearning Strategy.
    Four steps to guide the development of a microlearning strategy.

To know more about how to improve employee engagement and performance through microlearning, download the eBook Microlearning Techniques: Driving Results By Empowering Learners now.

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