5 Microlearning Benefits And Applications L&D Managers Cannot Ignore

5 Microlearning Benefits And Applications L&D Managers Cannot Ignore

5 Microlearning Benefits And Applications L&D Managers Cannot Ignore

Microlearning: A Solution For Modern Training Challenges

It’s no secret that investing in training development can help your organization gain a competitive edge while improving the skills of your workforce, but many organizations are still struggling to identify the best training strategy for their employees. Modern learners have different needs and preferences than employees from even just a few years ago. If you are looking for an eLearning training strategy that will help you engage learners and get the most out of your training budget, you may want to consider microlearning.

Microlearning Strategies For Corporate Learners
Learn how to effectively deliver training content in short learning modules with microlearning.

Microlearning is an online training strategy that delivers training content in a series of short learning modules, each lasting under 10 minutes [1]. This particular training strategy has been proven to be effective at overcoming common training challenges such as time constraints, short attention spans, and limited budgets.

To help you better understand this training strategy and how it can be used to level up your organization's training game, we have shared the top 5 benefits of microlearning.

5 Key Benefits Of A Microlearning Training Strategy

1. Increases Engagement

Microlearning courses are engaging for multiple reasons. Most series of microlearning sessions are made up of several bite-sized modules, each with short bursts of learning content.

This format was built to engage modern learners. Today's learners are used to consuming short pieces of content on their mobile devices every day. They have busy schedules and can become easily distracted. In fact, most learners become disengaged after just 20 minutes.

This training method is delivered in a way that is familiar with most learners. It is both visually engaging and easy to remember. Each module includes a single topic with rich media to build context. This format also makes it easy for employees to fit training into their busy schedules. In a recent study, it was found that 50% of the participants said they would participate in more training if the sessions were shorter.

2. Agile

Microlearning is an incredibly agile Learning and Development (L&D) method. These modules can be developed and implemented more quickly than other traditional eLearning formats because they are designed to be short and focused. This gives organizations that use this strategy the ability to create and launch their training programs much faster than if they were to use more traditional methods.

Microlearning modules can also be recycled, reused, and repurposed. Due to their design, it is easy to make small changes to a module and use it for another topic or to train another department. This is useful for organizations that have many employees who need training across different departments of the organization. It is also a major benefit for organizations in industries that are constantly changing rules, regulations, and processes. Being able to adapt the training quickly to meet these changes is a competitive advantage.

3. Maximizes ROI

Utilizing this learning method is one of the best ways you can maximize your training and development budget. Microlearning modules cost less to create and launch than many other L&D training strategies. They also speed up time-to-competency and increase knowledge retention. This increased efficiency means you are getting more for less.

Due to the agile design of microlearning and the as before mentioned benefit of the ability to reuse content, you will also spend less time and money on development plans.

4. Improves Flexibility

Microlearning modules last anywhere from 3-10 minutes each, which is a huge advantage for employees who have busy schedules that limit the amount of time they can dedicate to training. It is much easier for employees to take 3-10 minutes out of their day to participate in a short microlearning session.

In fact, it is easier for many employees to fit several microlearning modules into their schedules than it is for them to block out an hour or more for training at one time.

5. Increases Accessibility

Most of the Learning Management Systems that are used to deliver microlearning modules today are mobile responsive. This means these learning modules can be accessed on any device including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. This increase in the accessibility of learning content breaks down training barriers by enabling employees to access training on whatever device best suits their needs.

This is especially useful for remote employees and distributed teams because they may be traveling or have limited access to technology. The more accessible you can make your training program, the more likely it is for your employees to participate.

The Best Microlearning Applications

In addition to the microlearning benefits, it is also important to understand what types of training scenarios this method is most suitable for. The good news is that microlearning’s versatility makes it simple and easy to use in a number of different ways. It can be used to implement an entire training course, the core lessons, or used as a supplemental learning tool. This learning strategy is especially useful for topics such as the following:


Microlearning is quickly becoming the favorite training strategy of businesses and learners alike. In a recent workplace study, it was found that 94% of L&D professionals reported that they prefer to use microlearning to train employees at their organizations. The main reason they preferred this training method was its ability to meet the needs of modern learners. Employees today need training programs that are flexible, customizable, and easy to access.

To learn more about microlearning and how your organization can leverage this training strategy, read the eBook Microlearning Strategies For Corporate Learners. Also, join the webinar to discover how microlearning can be a game-changer.


[1] 7 Stats that Prove Training Value

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