How Motivation Helps Change People’s Behavior: A Christmas Story

How Motivation Helps Change People’s Behavior: A Christmas Story

How Motivation Helps Change People’s Behavior: A Christmas Story

The Ghost Of Christmas Yet To Come - Or How Motivation Helps Change People’s Behavior 

Oh, don’t we all love a Christmas Carol! The story of the grumpy old Scrooge who repeatedly refused to join and share the spirit, and no happiness, no misery, no pain would warm his heart! It turns out that a cloudy ghost would do the job, though; for all it takes for people to get dragged into a different ethos is a good dose of motivation.

I can’t help comparing this amazing Dickens’ story with what happens in today’s organizations. Just like Christmas, big enterprises come with their ethos, culture and traditions; but not everyone will follow. While the hints (and policies) are everywhere, some employees are reluctant to join and follow, for several reasons: They might not understand the whole thing, they might have other things (and priorities) in mind, they might have their own pace for completing tasks, or (just like Scrooge) they might need motivation.

For most enterprises, having people “left behind” is not an option anymore. Each employee can be a part of the corporate image, strategy, success; affecting crucial operations like customer experience, customer service, account management, support. Employees who won’t share the corporate values or fully understand procedures and policies may jeopardize the organization’s success and growth.

While all organizations have trainings in place, the effectiveness of the courses varies. So do different people intakes. The “one course for all” approach is obsolete and the least effective. People have different needs, different priorities, their own pace; plus they come from different backgrounds. Customized and personalized eLearning programs are much more effective and they can actually be more cost-effective; provided that employees would actually attend.

Here’s where motivation comes in. With all smart tools and sophisticated content available, organizations are in need of effective motivation to drag their employees into the learning procedure and keep them engaged to it, in order to maximize any results. The odd cloudy ghost’s presence is imperative to help infuse messages (no matter how strong they already are) and change people’s behavior; developing community sense and the eagerness to share. Grumpy Scrooge is the perfect example of it.

Have a merry festive season!

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