eBook Release: Top 7 Must Have LMS Features

Free eBook: Top 7 Must Have LMS Features
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Summary: If you use a Learning Management System (LMS), you know the power the platform has to enhance training effectiveness for organizations. The trick is knowing which features to look for. With over 700 options in the LMS market, how do you know which features are most relevant for your organization? The answer lies in this eBook.

Learning Management Systems: The Top Must Have LMS Features

You are an LMS user, and a satisfied one. Be reminded though that you should always look for more, as this is an ever growing area of eLearning. That is why studying the eBook Top 7 Must Have LMS Features by Lambda Solutions is totally worth it. It will give you pitched information on hot features, divided in categories like training, reporting, eCommerce, helping you decide which ones can boost your organization’s training program.

eBook Release: eBook - Top 7 Must Have LMS Features
eBook Release
eBook - Top 7 Must Have LMS Features
This eBook will help you make the right choice over 700 options in the LMS market for your organization.

In the eBook, you will go over the LMS features that will allow you to:

  • Enhance effectiveness of training delivery.
  • Increase learner engagement and retention.
  • Enhance the user experience.
  • Save time and money by proving return on investment of your learning and training programs.

Under each of the features listed, Lambda Solutions has included a list of “Business Problems Solved”—these can be used to prove the Return On Investment—not necessarily in dollar values, but in performance, and outcomes.

Before we take a look at the eBook’s key chapters, let’s discuss why you might consider an open source Learning Management System for your training programs.

The Benefits Of Open Source Learning Management Systems

Open source is not just for educational institutions and healthcare – top organizations in government (like the US Department of Defense), food and retail (like McDonald’s), and technology (like Google) are choosing open source Learning Management Systems. Why? Because they’re highly flexible, and provide more data security.

According to an eLearning Industry survey, 40% of respondents indicated that flexibility is the number one reason for selecting an open source solution. While it’s not as much of a feature as it is a good practice, open source Learning Management Systems are highly flexible, in that they provide organizations the ability to tailor their LMS to meet the look and feel of their organization’s brand, roles, business rules, and learning objectives.

In addition, open source software comes with a large global community of developers. If you require a certain feature or application, there is a global team of experts who may have already built it, talked about it, or could even be available to create it for you (or you can create it yourself)! That’s part of the beauty of open source code—users can benefit from a wealth of crowd-generated features and applications—often provided to the community for free – resulting in an LMS that performs to their exact specifications.

Open source also provides greater security than proprietary solutions. The nature of open source software allows developers and system operations teams to tackle security threats and issues immediately. There’s a reason why the US Department of Defense decided to move their Distributed Data Framework (DDF), a software search engine for intelligence, to one that is open source. Their reasoning, which is unanimous for many healthcare organizations and corporations alike, is the open source solutions lend themselves to greater configurability for a wider variety of security concerns and requirements than ‘closed’ systems, and which can be resolved.

Bottom line, open source code allows developers to increase product quality fast, allowing users to benefit from a Learning Management System that grows with your (and your learners’) requirements.

About The eBook

Following are the key chapters of the eBook Top 7 Must Have LMS Features:

  • LMS Feature #1
  • LMS Feature #2
    Engaging and Responsive Theme Design
  • LMS Feature #3
    Access to Great Content
  • LMS Feature #4
    Reporting and Analytics
  • LMS Feature #5
  • LMS Feature #6
    Media Library
  • LMS Feature #7
    Integration Capabilities
  • Summary 
  • About Lambda

If you're interested in enhancing training effectiveness for your organization, and increasing learner engagement and retention, download the eBook Top 7 Must Have LMS Features today.

Related Articles:

  1. Must Have LMS Features, Part 1
  2. Must Have LMS Features, Part 2
  3. Must Have LMS Features, Part 3