eBook Release | The Future Of Work: The Role Of Instructional Design In Converting VILT To eLearning In 2021

eBook Release - The Future of Work: The Role of Instructional Design In Converting VILT To eLearning In 2021

eBook Release - The Future of Work: The Role of Instructional Design In Converting VILT To eLearning In 2021

What Part Does Instructional Design Play In Successful eLearning Programs?

What is the role of Instructional Design and how can it help your organization support telecommuting teams? The pandemic has shifted the L&D focus and businesses must devise new ways to connect with remote workers and provide engaging eLearning experiences. Fortunately, with the right tools and Instructional Design methods, companies can adapt to change and cultivate their internal talent cost-effectively.

eBook Release
The Future of Work: The Role of Instructional Design In Converting VILT To eLearning In 2021
Discover how to convert classroom training and launch an eLearning strategy that's based on solid ID methodologies.

The Key Elements Of Instructional Design

Instructional Design is often synonymous with models and theories. However, it's more far-reaching than that. ID pertains to every aspect of your training program, from delivery methods to emotional factors that hinder employee development. As an example, online training initiatives must consider the mental and emotional wellbeing of employees, which is just as important as goal achievement or compliance.

Why Every Organization Should Launch An ID-Centered Strategy

Regardless of your company size, objectives, or desired outcomes, an ID-centered program helps you address business pain points and retain top talent. Here are just a few reasons why every organization should consider Instructional Design when converting their VILT strategy:

Provide A Consistent And Continuous L&D Experience

Instructional Design methods offer a consistent online training experience across the board. Employees can access the platform for JIT support, certifications, and remote feedback. Best of all, it's seamless, since you can provide mobile learning resources they can take with them on the go. Another reason to create a strategy that's centered on effective Instructional Design is to define expectations that every staffer can follow, whether they're backend developers or frontend learners. For example, Instructional Designers and SMEs know which models or theories to utilize as well as which tools are at their disposal. Likewise, employees know how to get the information they need right away to continually hone their skills and performance behaviors.

Reflect Brand Values And Messaging

Instructional Design doesn't just pertain to the delivery methods or psychological principles behind eLearning. In fact, you can launch an L&D program that aligns with your core values, messaging, and corporate beliefs so that everyone's on the same page. For instance, provide simulations and scenarios that help your employees apply their knowledge on the job and reflect your brand image.

Offer Personalized Online Training Opportunities

The basis of any successful online training experience is to create an emotional connection. Employees must be able to see how the information ties into their personal challenges and helps them mitigate relevant risks. In short, it needs to resonate with them and get them ready for the Future of Work. The role of Instructional Design is to give your L&D team the tools, templates, and design systems they require to customize the experience.

Cater To All Tech Experience Levels

Following Instructional Design best practices and models allows you to develop online training content that's inclusive. This pertains to learners with special needs and those who may not be familiar with the latest tech tools. You can create eLearning support resources that are geared toward their experience levels and individual needs. For example, start with modules and serious games that gradually ease them into more interactive content.

Foster A Social Learning Support Network

Remote staffers may feel isolated or alone, especially if they're used to crowded work spaces. One of the integral roles of Instructional Design in converting VILT to eLearning is to facilitate collaboration. This can be in the form of social media groups, live events, group projects, or discussion boards. The goal is to get your employees talking about their challenges and sharing their personal experiences. Eventually, this will become a support network that staffers can use to receive immediate remote support and feedback.

Measure Results Rapidly

Finally, Instructional Design methods allow you to set up a consistent assessment strategy to track results. You're able to evaluate employee performance, identify pain points, and adjust course to enact meaningful change within your organization. For instance, offer frequent knowledge checks to test their real-world application and disclose hidden skill gaps. Thus, your staffers embark on their lifelong learning adventure, which benefits your company and its bottom line.

About This eBook

Whether you're ready to convert your current ILT program or already have a basic eLearning infrastructure, this guide can help you maximize your L&D potential. Here's a sneak preview of what you'll find inside:

You'll learn how to develop and deploy online training programs that foster individual growth and equip your team with the skills they need to succeed.

The Role Of Instructional Design: Discover Tips, Trends, And Tech To Help You Make The Switch

In many respects, Instructional Design provides a foundation for your entire L&D program moving forward. You can use tried and tested models and best practices to convert VILT and launch a comprehensive eLearning strategy for your remote workforce.

Wading into the eLearning waters can be daunting for organizations in the best of times. However, the COVID crisis has created a sense of urgency that makes the process even more challenging. Download The Future Of Work: The Role Of Instructional Design In Converting VILT To eLearning In 2021 to find out how your organization can adapt to the new normal with the right approach.

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