6 Secrets To Find A Workforce Online Training LMS That Lives Up To Expectations

6 Secrets To Find A Workforce Training LMS That Lives Up To Expectations

6 Secrets To Find A Workforce Training LMS That Lives Up To Expectations

Choosing The Best Workforce Online Training LMS

They say if you have no expectations then you can’t be disappointed. But it also means you don’t have something tangible to look forward to. And in today’s world, that’s what gets us out of bed in the morning. In a work setting, we all have certain assumptions and desires, though we don’t always communicate them. You probably want your workforce online training LMS to be affordable, mobile-enabled, heavy on analytics and versatile enough for all your needs. What are some of the less obvious things you should look out for when selecting a new workforce online training LMS for your organization?

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Going Global Without Going Over Budget
Discover how to implement a remote workforce development program with the right LMS.

1. Vet For Support

Many (digital) companies claim they provide 24/7 customer support, but just because they say it doesn’t mean they’ll do it. You have to be pro-active about vetting the vendors and testing out their support services. Try calling at 3.00 a.m. on Sunday (and 3.00 p.m. on Tuesday). Test the efficacy of their support tools, both off-peak and during rush hour. Also, see whether they distinguish tech support from customer care. There are times when you’ll need help reprograming a feature, and other times you just want to review your bill. Techies aren’t always good with soft-skill solutions and vice versa, check that your vendor does both. You should also see if they have an active user community or online library to quickly address issues on your own.

2. Use The Free Trial

There are lots of techniques software developers use to introduce you to their products. They may give you a comprehensive video tour, or a chart summarizing their key features. Most will let you use the software for a limited time, usually a few weeks. It can be easy to procrastinate and 'waste' this resource. You’ll ignore the software for 3 weeks then rush to cram everything into the final 7 days of unpaid usage. Instead, assign 'testers' and give them a checklist of the areas they need to engage with. Devise a points system for comparison between competing workforce online training LMS. You can also follow-up with the vendor after the fact to ask questions and clarify issues. For example, does the full paid product have more detailed analytics? Can you expand the features or scale the Learning Management System to meet your evolving needs?

3. Explore The User Interface

You want the workforce online training LMS to be easy to use—for everyone. That includes back-end developers, LMS admins, and your employees. So, have a representative from each department test usability. You want to see how it works for employee training participants, instructors, and general admin. Observe as they test, even before they write up their reports. Is their progress through the LMS natural and unimpeded, or do they work in fits and starts? Could they figure it out on their own or did they have to consult? Was there anything inside the LMS they could consult? (Chatbots, FAQs, user guides, live customer care assistants, etc.) You can also evaluate online ratings and reviews to see what others think about the overall UX.

4. Review Their eLearning Feedback Tools

Related to the above point, what are the intra-communication tools like? The workforce online training LMS goes beyond training and into mundane admin. It could, for example, be used to call in sick, assign tasks on a job board, or reimburse expenses. How easy is it to converse with relevant colleagues during these processes? Is there a private messaging option? Can group notifications be broadcast? On the online training site, can learners contact their instructors directly? Can both the teachers and learners easily access and discuss their performance metrics?

5. Check For Certification Support

Compliance eLearning courses often require some kind of printed document. It might even be displayed in case of regulatory inspections. But even for regular courses, pretty certificates can be a strong motivator. Especially if those certificates are valid outside your office walls. Therefore, if certification is a big part of your corporate process, you want a workforce development LMS that can support your initiatives. Whether it’s a library of templates or a WYSIWYG design program. Just ensure you have the technical (and artistic) capacity to produce these diplomas. Plus, you’ll need certifications to keep accurate records in the event of an audit.

6. Consider Their Evaluation Systems

We’ve talked about accessing eLearning assessment records, but what about the tests themselves? Some of us were so traumatized by exams in school that the very idea induces panic. That type of employee training participant may be uneasy with typical tests. They may prefer Yes/No or True/False set-ups because there’s less pressure. Others may prefer an oral exam via webcam. And there are the rarities who can write entire novels in response to test questions. Check that your LMS allows all these modes of evaluation, so both instructors and learners can find something that works. You should also take a closer look at interactive assessment support. For example, can you deploy simulations and branching scenarios that test employee knowledge and provide immediate eLearning feedback?

The criteria for buying workforce online training software are diverse. Some features are standard, while others are routinely overlooked. Vet your vendor to see how good and accessible their support tools are. Make full use of your free workforce development LMS trial, paying special attention to user experience and eLearning feedback modules. Don’t forget to get everyone involved in the test drive. Confirm your vendor is recognized and approved by your industry’s regulatory body. And if you intend to issue certificates internally, double-check whether your workforce online training LMS can design them. Finally, review their chosen methods of learner assessment.

Do you want to discover more about the benefits a new LMS can bring to your business? Download the eBook Going Global Without Going Over Budget: Tips To Launch A Remote Workforce Development Program With The Right LMS, explore ways to bridge the gaps and enhance your business strategy.

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