9 Secrets To Successfully Post An Instructional Design Job Listing On eLearning Industry


How To Successfully Post An Instructional Design Job Opening On eLearning Industry

It’s not always easy finding the ideal person for the position. It may even involve a lengthy vetting process to whittle down hundreds of applicants to just a handful of top contenders. However, a polished Instructional Design job listing can help you attract the right candidates without hopping through the usual hiring hoops. Here are 9 insider tips to publish an Instructional Design job listing to find the best fit for your organization.

1. Create A List Of Must-Have Qualifications

It’s crucial to identify which traits and qualifications you’re looking for in the perfect candidate. This includes their experience level, academic degree, and skill/knowledge base. Jot down a list of the must-haves, then another for preferred talents and abilities that are secondary. You should also get input from relevant stakeholders or management who will work directly with the individual. They’ll typically have a clear idea of the Instructional Design expertise that’s required in order to carry out the job duties.

2. Define Job Requirements

Now that you’ve mapped out what Instructional Design candidates need to land the Instructional Design job, you must clearly define the scope of the position. What will they be required to do on a daily basis? How many hours will they work per week? Is it full-time, part-time, or temporary? You should also specify their role in the organization. For example, it’s an entry level position whereby they’ll work closely with the L&D team to design compliance online training resources. Include as many details as possible to attract only interested parties instead of having to field a variety of questions about what the Instructional Design job entails.

3. Write An SEO Instructional Design Job Listing

Compile all the information and create an Instructional Design job listing that is succinct, but provides enough detail for interested parties. You should also optimize your post with targeted keywords. There are two reasons to incorporate SEO keywords into your Instructional Design job listing. The first is to increase online visibility. Your Instructional Design job listing will show up in the search engines when people look for terms relevant to your Instructional Design job opening. The second reason is that it helps eLearning Industry site visitors find your posting more quickly. They must input certain criteria to begin their Instructional Design job search, such as their location, education level, and industry. Your Instructional Design job listing will appear in their results if their data meets your requirements.

4. Include Job Perks

Now it’s time to mention what’s in it for the qualified applicants. What is the average salary range? Are there any notable benefits associated with the position? Do they have the ability to set their own schedule or work from home? Include any and all perks that will draw top talent to your Instructional Design job listing. Try not to stretch the truth or exaggerate the potential perks, as that will lead to complications later on.

5. Add Contact Info

Applicants must know how to submit their Instructional Design resumes or contact your organization for more information. Include contact details for your hiring manager and anyone else who is directly involved in the application process. Ideally, there should be a phone number or email address, in addition to a company website URL where they can learn more about your mission statement and bio.

6. Pick The Ideal Package

There are two price packages to choose from. Pro features 1 Instructional Design job listings that last 30 days. Corporate allows you to post 3 Instructional Design job listings to expand your eLearning team more rapidly and fill vacancies. You can also contact us if you need to publish a greater number of Instructional Design job posts every month. All Instructional Design job listings remain active for 30 days, at which point you are no longer able to accept applications. However, it still shows up in the eLearning Industry job search.

7. Publish Your Instructional Design Job Listing

Here is a step-by-step overview of the information you need to publish an Instructional Design job listing on eLearning Industry:

After you’ve input the essentials, simply click save and submit your Instructional Design job posting for review. You’ll receive a personal listing URL and a list of potential candidates once your Instructional Design job listing has been posted. In addition, you can review all your Instructional Design jobs and their respective statuses in the job management page. For example, if the position is still vacant or filled, as well as view stats for your posts.

8. Review Applications Delivered To Your Inbox

Job seekers can submit an application online and it’s delivered right to your inbox. You receive an automatic notification whenever a new candidate joins your hiring pool. In addition, you’re able to manage all your applicants via the job posting dashboard. This means that every member of your hiring team can review candidates' qualifications and request an interview or remove certain individuals from the applicant list if they don’t meet the requirements.

9. Peruse The Instructional Design Resume Database

Posting an Instructional Design job listing on eLearning Industry also grants you access to the Instructional Design resume database. You can look for Instructional Designers who are ideally suited for the position, even if they haven’t discovered your job application as of yet. Then reach out to them to schedule an interview or request more information. You have the ability to search by specific criteria and contact candidates directly.

When you’re ready, our job posting service can help you find the perfect person for the job. Just use this article to create an Instructional Design job listing and attract Instructional Designers with the experience and skills you need. Your Instructional Design job listing stays live for 30 days, which gives you ample opportunity to reach the right candidates.

If you’re looking for your Instructional Design dream job, use our Instructional Design job openings to find the ideal position for your talents. You can search by location, employment type, function, industry, and academic degree to narrow your results.

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