Selling Online Courses, Part 3: How To Write To Sell

Selling Online Courses, Part 3: How To Write To Sell
Summary: Making your online course ready for sales can take up a considerable amount of time, but with the right plan and a visually-promising platform, you can sell just about any course on the spot. Here are some great copywriting tips for online course sellers.

Copywriting Tips For Selling Online Courses

To sell your eLearning courses successfully, adopting a well-rounded effective marketing strategy can guarantee that you are in the right direction guiding you to success. In this article, we’ll see how copywriting can be the ultimate key to creating such a strategy.

The Ultimate Guide To Selling Online Courses
Discover how to make your online courses ready for sales and, most importantly, profitable.

1. Prepare Your Course/Description

When editing your landing page you need to take certain factors into consideration so as to make sure that no visitor will turn their back on your services, but they would rather stick to it and find out more about what your school has to offer:

Use Brief But To-The-Point Headlines

A good landing page should have a heading at the beginning of it with large and bold text that gives visitors an idea of what they will find on your page. For a course sales page, using just the title of the course won’t suffice. A better approach would be to briefly state significant benefits that the potential learner can receive when joining the course. A catchy title on your landing page is most likely to stimulate the customers’ interest into wanting to find out more about your services. Your headline must predispose the reader positively based on their needs and wants, as well as promise them an intriguing result if they stick around and read what comes next.

Put The Important Stuff At The Beginning Of Your Page

Internet users have the tendency to focus on what they see first on a page and to skim the rest of the page's content. In that sense, your best shot is to put every important aspect of your course and services on the top of your landing page for everyone to see it right upon loading.

Keep It Short And Simple

When creating your course description, it is important to remember to keep it straightforward, short and concise. It is a window for you to relate to your audience by letting them know how the information in your product will help them achieve their potential goals. Above all, it should not only explain who your product is for and what they’ll learn or receive from it, but should also act as a promise, that you need to communicate towards potential online courses customers.

Use Action Words And Phrases

When visitors enter your landing page, they need to be engaged, excited, and drawn into your courses, otherwise it’s “arrivederci”. Your best friends in such occasion are action words and phrases that can build their motivation to learn. Words like “discover”, “emerge” and “explore” are bound to make them feel like they are part of the eLearning experience you are offering.

Present Social Proof

Since what you are selling is in digital form (and not a physical object), you need to provide social proof that you are a trustworthy authority on your topic. Your testimonials can really come from anywhere — emails, tweets, Instagram posts or comments, blog posts, etc. Whenever a customer talks positively about your courses you definitely want to add that commentary on your landing page.

2. Write As An Expert Marketer

Attracting more potential customers is a challenging task. Some people find it hard to convey the message when it comes to promoting a product or a course in the written form. Writing a marketing copy can make this a lot easier and effective provided that you follow the three phases of writing: Pre-Writing, In-Writing, and Post-Writing.


Before writing your marketing copy you should practice and eventually improve your writing skills in the prospect to get a better outcome. The pre-writing phase involves the following:

  • Research
    Always be on the lookout for new ideas and resources which you can store to inspire on later.
  • Planning
    Plan a marketing writing strategy using a diagram of the content’s roadmap so as to always be aware of your work’s progress.
  • Reading
    Get exposed, on a daily basis, to other material and content relevant to your services and keep a backup for future use.
  • Writing
    Commit to regular writing so as to not only loosen up your hand and mind but to also be able to connect your thoughts with your words and with ways to express them.
  • Knowing What To Write
    Focus on a key idea and make your proposition prospect-centered to address the needs of your readers. Write about something you love so that your readers will love it too. Collecting insight about your audience can increase customer attention, inspire action encouraging more sales on courses.

In-Writing Process

The second phase deals with some of the issues you need to take into account when writing your marketing copy. Writing is not strictly a technique used in the academic field and when it is exploited in the right ways it can trigger important emotional factors for you and your learners. Paying attention to the following elements can help you achieve this effect:

  • Title
    Create a headline that emanates interest and also foretells the basic information that the rest of your text encloses.
  • First Sentence
    Both your title and first sentence should guide readers to the main point of your copy as smoothly as possible. Still, you will need to write something eye-catching.
  • Introduction
    Make your introduction captivating but at the same time not too long.
  • Depth And Length
    Find out what your readers want and provide the depth and length that gets them engaged. Some audiences prefer long, in-depth texts to convert to buyers while others prefer the short and sweet version.
  • Talk About One Thing Only
    Having in mind what your bottom-line point is will help you stay on track whilst wandering around can confuse your audience. Each piece of content point should be analyzed in isolation.
  • Show, Don’t Tell
    Readers want specifics, examples, arguments, and stories that back up everything you are presenting. As such, it’s always better to show them rather tell them what you can do for them.
  • Make It Emotional
    Purchases are not driven by logic and this is exactly why you need to spice it up a notch. Your learners’ needs and emotions can coincide well with what you are proposing.
  • Speak Their Language
    Determine which potential learners your marketing copy is addressing to and choose your vocabulary accordingly.
  • Closing
    Summarize your main points and underline the ways in which learners can benefit from the info you have provided.
  • Have Fun
    A strict and dead-serious text creates unnecessary distance between you and your potential learners. The best thing you can do is avoiding a dull text, so try to enjoy what you are doing and channel that through your work


When you complete the write-up of your marketing copy, you will need to backtrack to the beginning of your work to re-evaluate your effort. More specifically, you should be doing the following:

  • Edit
    Write first and proofread later. Your first go on writing this will most probably end up as a draft because great writing never occurs in the first attempt.
  • Get Feedback
    Collect feedback from friends, family, peers, readers, and people you trust and apply their own writing experience into a document revision.

If you want to learn more about how to sell your online courses successfully, download the eBook The Ultimate Guide To Selling Online Courses.

Originally published on March 31, 2018