eBook Release: Serious Games Development In The Modern Workplace


How To Apply And Implement Serious Games Development

It is always the highest priority for Learning and Development professionals to look for new ways to get employees excited about corporate training. One way to do it is by incorporating training inside a serious game. People call a serious game “serious” because it includes learning objectives attached to business goals. Serious games come in all shapes and sizes including board games, mobile apps, multiplayer video games, or modules housed in a Learning Management System (LMS). There are many reasons to implement serious games development in corporate training. But where does one start? How do you fully utilize the concept of feedback and make sure it is implemented in future training?

eBook Release
Serious Games Development In The Modern Workplace
Discover more about the benefits that are gained with game-based learning and what to consider to deliver the most effective Serious Game.

About The eBook

This eBook comprises of a wide variety of topics. Games have been around for thousands of years. Games have also evolved a lot over time. Modern-day technology now makes it possible for most of us to access any type of game with the touch of a button. The sheer number and types of games available out there are astonishing. Few of us could ever have imagined that 2.2 billion people will be connecting on or off-line with the sole purpose of playing a game. And, the trends in serious games tell us that game-based learning continues to make headway. They cover lots of domains in relation to the topic of serious games. The following titles are mentioned in the eBook:

Games are here and games are the future! If you are open-minded toward the implementation of serious games into your company’s Learning and Development culture, you most definitely will be more advanced than the rest. Undoubtedly, it’s important for employees to grow. Simultaneously, it’s necessary to make learning easy, stress-free and fun. There are lots of businesses out there that are reinventing themselves and growing by incorporating game-based learning into their workplace culture.

According to Designing Digitally, they claim the following:

Companies have tuned into the fact that most people learn faster and more efficiently through playing. Thus, serious games were born! To talk about serious game implementation, we must first define what serious games are, what they do, and how they can benefit your company’s bottom line. An applied game, otherwise known as a serious game, is designed with a more practical purpose. This type of game combines entertainment with education, mostly used for employee training purposes. When done right, serious game implementation can bring employee learning to new levels.

Corporate training is relying more and more on game-based learning in their employee training strategies. Gamification, microlearning, and eLearning are all ways of incorporating game-based learning into your L&D company culture. Still, serious games are the preferred training type for most organizations. Serious games are designed specifically for learning through gameplay. Learning through play is an effective method of employee training for the simple fact that it blends fun and learning. Gamification is nothing else but the insertion of game-based elements into the existing training program. Often this results in companies wanting to create employee engagement during training by using badges, leaderboards, rewards, and other forms of public recognition. Serious games are regularly designed from scratch. Serious game design elements need to reflect your company’s business goals and employee learning objectives. They are conceptualized with the end purpose of teaching key concepts and increasing employee on-the-job productivity.

Traditional Vs. Game-Based Approach

Traditional classroom training has been left behind a long time ago by newer, technology-driven eLearning methods. There are definite advantages to traditional classroom training. Nowadays though, more companies are adopting eLearning, game-based learning, and other unconventional training into their business development culture. Many employees are growing due to this shift in learning techniques. There are lots of reasons why people prefer online to in-class training. Serious games are more cost-efficient because you only have to make an initial investment. After that, it’s all about optimizing the gameplay and the content to fit employee demands. Training games can be made available over multiple platforms, like desktop, mobile, and virtual reality. Not bound by time or location you will be able to train staff from any location in the world through the use of serious games. Learning at your own pace is great for everyone.

Let's Stop Playing Games

A great serious game development vendor will undoubtedly display many more qualities that we haven’t touched upon in this article. Still, keeping these 9 basic tips in mind will help you distinguish the best from the worst. Download the eBook Serious Games Development In The Modern Workplace to find what the benefits are from implementing game-based learning and also what to consider to deliver the most effective serious game. Learn about the best way to train your workforce, educate, engage, and entertain your learners through the use of custom online training courses.

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