Learning Culture

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December 8, 2018 | Sponsored

How To Create A Purpose-Driven Organization: The Disney Example

Walt Disney was not your typical CEO. He didn’t attend business school and had no use for highfalutin’ management theories. He certainly didn’t know anything about the now-common practice of developing organizational vision and mission statements. If he had known, he would likely have refused to engage in the practice, given his disdain for bureaucracy. Freed of management theory, Walt aimed not for logic but for emotion. For that, he needed something different… something we will, for clarity, call purpose.
by ATD Editor
November 16, 2018

Lifelong Learning: Designing L&D For The Digital World

The corporate world is transforming faster than ever. Technology is moving rapidly, skills are getting archaic, and there is a serious need for training and re-training to stay relevant. It is then up to the L&D to design programs especially to encourage lifelong learning in the digital world.
by Amit Gautam