Learning Management Systems

Here you can find the top articles about Learning Management Systems, their benefits, concepts, features and many more from the best eLearning authors. See more

June 3, 2015

Personalizing Your eLearning Program Using An LMS

Ideally each training experience should be unique. On the one hand everyone likes to learn in a different way, as some people have a tendency to learn better when exposed to images, whilst others might prefer text or videos; on the other hand also companies have specific and unique needs that differ depending on their business goals. Read more to learn how to personalize your eLearning program using an LMS.
by Dario De Angelis
May 26, 2015

11 Moodle Plugins For A Corporate Moodle

Almost a year and a half ago, our little internal training team introduced our colleagues to the new corporate learning management system (LMS). The LMS is a modified Moodle installation. At the time it was version 2.4, and we have since upgraded to 2.8. Typically, K-12 and higher ed institutions use Moodle as an online platform for learning. With a little tweaking, the software can work well in the corporate world, too.
by Heather MacCorkle Edick
April 17, 2015

4 Steps To Workplace Zen With SharePoint

Utilizing business software, like SharePoint, to its fullest extent is the first step in creating a Zen-like workspace. At this article you will find ways to use SharePoint in order to streamline learning processes for optimal efficiency.
by Amber Johnson
April 13, 2015

Trends In LMS Content: How Are We Creating Content For The Modern LMS?

Though most organizations swear by the utility of an enterprise wide LMS, there are a lot of factors that come into play when assessing how well the LMS is successful across the intended group of learners. One of the major factors affecting LMS success is an obvious one – the Content. Learning and development managers realize this and are now making a concerted effort to provide relevant and varied content on the LMS, in a bid to increase its impact and align it to the needs of the learners. A blend of both in-house content and third party content works best to provide relevant learning material on the LMS.
by Heena Nanda
April 12, 2015

5 Key Spring Trends In Learning Management Systems (LMSs)

Learning management system market was worth an estimated $2.55 billion in 2013 and is expected to worth approximately $4 billion in 2015, and over $7 billion in 2018. More and more companies are using LMSs to make their training and employee management more effective. With 2015 already a quarter over and 2016 fast approaching, here are five spring trends to keep abreast of in e-learning.
by Ashok Sharma