Learning Management Systems

Here you can find the top articles about Learning Management Systems, their benefits, concepts, features and many more from the best eLearning authors. See more

June 25, 2018

6 Soft Skills To Teach Your Leaders

Many corporate training programs overemphasize (or, worse, focus solely on) hard skills development. Yet, a balance between hard and soft skills is essential for a business to thrive. In this article, we examine the importance of leadership training and the soft skills a great manager should possess.
by Nikos Andriotis
June 23, 2018

How To Increase LMS User Engagement

A Learning Management System is a powerful tool and people need to use it in order for it to make a difference. Just keep in mind that just as important as implementing your LMS is communicating with your content creators and learners along the way.
by Tori Braunston
June 21, 2018

LMS Implementation: Planning For The Journey

Congratulations! You’ve made a great decision for your business and your team by considering the implementation of a new training and development strategy with an engaging Learning Management System (LMS). It will be a rewarding journey, and the more you know now, the easier your implementation will be later on. Let’s take a look at what you need to keep in mind before you jump into researching different eLearning solutions.
by Tori Braunston