Social And Emotional Learning (SEL)

From showing empathy to collaborating with peers more effectively, social and emotional learning is a cornerstone of successful L&D initiatives. But how do you raise self awareness in remote training environments? Our resources can help you hone SEL skills and create a more supportive online training culture.

November 30, 2017

6 Sure-Fire Signs You Have Created An Informal Learning Strategy

Understanding the distinction between formal and informal learning has never been more important. While formal training experiences are easy to understand and embrace from an organizational perspective, they also only account for 10% of your workforce’s overall knowledge intake. Informal learning experiences make up the remaining 90%, but they’re often untameable beasts that organizations struggle to capture and control. So, have you created an informal learning strategy?
by Juliette Denny
November 22, 2017

Social Is Sexy: 11 Reasons Why You Need An Informal Learning Strategy

Believe it or not, today’s best learning experiences aren’t happening in the classroom. They’re happening out there in the world, as individuals take new information on board in a variety of different contexts. At this very moment in time, somebody is learning that standing on a garden rake leads to a great deal of pain. And they learned this without opening a single workbook. That’s the magic of informal learning.
by Juliette Denny
September 6, 2017

Social Learning Using SharePoint

Social animals are creatures that are greatly interactive with other members of its species, with an individual animal's success highly dependent on the overall cohesion and propagation of the group. As humans, we are programmed to flock toward social situations; so it makes sense to add social features into training programs in order to create a much needed atmosphere for success. This article will explore how SharePoint provides the social tools necessary to achieve desired training outcomes.
by Amber Johnson
May 17, 2017

The Importance Of Communities For eLearning Success

The importance of community cannot be overstated. Whether the community is a large, regionally-united tribe or a small online learning cohort, we know that success, engagement, satisfaction, and growth all depend heavily on the support and sense of identity that comes from a community. And what about creating communities for eLearning success?
by Edgar Wilson