eBook Release: Successful Employee Training Explained

eBook Release Succesful Employee Training Explained

Successful Training Creates Successful Employees

Employee training has become a staple in modern corporate culture. Over the years, it has expanded to include onboarding, soft skills, digital skills, and cross-training that allow employees a peek into an upward-looking future in your organization.

eBook Release
Successful Employee Training Explained
Discover the best ways to offer your employees the training they need.

Lack of training in the workplace has been proven to lead to a disengaged workforce. This initiates a chain reaction of negative consequences that cost businesses serious money. Disengaged employees are less productive and more likely to call in sick when they’re not and will not stay at the company for long.

The Benefits Of Employee Training

This chapter explains the many benefits of successful training. The main benefit is, of course, that training improves the efficiency of the employee. However, there are many more benefits that are equally important. Employee engagement has also shown a significant increase in employees that undergo training. The retention rates also improve, helping the organization's financial state and overall productivity. It is also pointed out that training helps a company remain competitive and attract the best candidates. All these culminate in increased revenue for the company and higher standards for all employees.

What Does Successful Employee Training Entail?

Successful employee training is not always an exact science, but there are many things one can do to nurture it. According to this chapter, one of the most important things you can do is explain the reasons behind everything you share with your employees. It would be best if you also kept in mind that everyone's training preferences are different and that different people respond to different stimuli. Creating opportunities for your employees to practice is also an integral part of the training. It is a good idea also to have some reward involved to incentivize them further. And let's not forget the key role that feedback plays in this, as long as it is personalized. The feedback that comes from your employees is also valuable, and you should treat it with the appropriate respect. Another important element is that your employees' training opportunities should often occur to help keep the training culture alive.

The Best Employee Training Methods

This chapter describes what training methods are best for specific situations and how to best apply them. On-the-job training is a great way to train employees on the skills they need for day-to-day obligations. Instructor-Led Training works best for shorter-term training, especially when there is a location available. Virtual Instructor-Led Training is a great alternative to ILT when remote training needs to occur. Online training, or eLearning, is self-paced learning delivered online without the need for real-time participation. Blended learning combines Virtual Instructor-Led Training and eLearning to get the best benefits of both. Finally, mobile learning is by far the most flexible method, working best for mobile employees.

Planning Out Your Employee Training Program

This chapter gives valuable advice on how to plan your training program. Creating and following a detailed training plan is essential. It will give you a better understanding of what you need and help you make better decisions throughout the development phase. In this chapter, you will find a useful checklist that will assist you in organizing your program.

What Training Tools Should You Use

Using the right training tools for your needs will make this hard work easier, from start to finish, and more effective. This chapter analyzes and explains the options you have in your arsenal, such as Learning Management Systems, Learning Experience Platforms, Microlearning Platforms, Virtual Classrooms, Content Creation Tools, and Communication Tools.

How To Adjust To Remote Training

Remote training is an exciting and necessary topic for all organizations with remote employees. In this chapter, you will find a step-by-step guide that will help you transition smoothly while ensuring that every member of your organization is on the same page and nobody gets left behind.

How To Know If Your Training Program Is Successful

Evaluating your training program's success is a crucial step that will help you with your future training endeavors. This chapter explains how you can use the Kirkpatrick evaluation model to measure your employee development program's effectiveness.


The eBook Succesful Employee Training Explained covers all aspects of successful employee training. In it you will find great ways to improve your training program that apply to all manners of modern learning. This eBook is guaranteed to help you take your training initiative to the highest level.

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