7 Summertime Distractions That Hinder eLearning Participation

7 Summertime Distractions That Hinder eLearning Participation
Roma Black/Shutterstock.com
Summary: Are summer vacations, the sweltering heat, and school breaks too much to contend with? In this article, I’ll highlight the top 7 summertime eLearning participation distractions.

7 Summertime eLearning Participation Distractions To Consider

The weather is warm, the sun is shining, and your online learners are ready to enjoy the great outdoors. But there’s just one thing standing in their way: your eLearning course. The dog days of summer don’t have to put a strain on your attendance rates. The key is to know the enemy by uncovering the most common summertime eLearning participation distractions you must contend with. Here are 7 summertime distractions that can hinder eLearning participation, as well as an insider tip to keep your online learners actively engaged.

1. Vacations

Many people schedule well-deserved vacations during the summer months. That means they’ll be away from the computer for an extended period of time. They may have their mobile devices with them. But who wants to participate in an eLearning course when you’re seeing the sights in Paris or soaking up the sun in Hawaii? Not to mention, online learners are usually reluctant to get back into the swing of things when they return. Before they know it, the entire summer has passed them by and they still haven't completed the eLearning course requirements.

2. Hot Weather

When the mercury rises, people go to great lengths to cool off and escape the sweltering heat. A dip in the pool is preferable to sitting at the computer. As such, the weather can be a major distraction in the summertime. Online learners simply want to stay comfortable and beat the heat. For some, air conditioned offices or homes aren’t an option. If they do access the online training materials on their mobile devices, the next distraction must also be dealt with.

3. The Call Of The Wild (Or The Shore)

It’s difficult to focus on an eLearning course when the beach is beckoning to you. Online learners want to enjoy the sunshine and put their training pursuits aside for a while. The mere thought of spending the day at the beach or poolside can cause them to disengage from the eLearning experience. This eLearning participation distraction may be even worse for online learners who access the eLearning course on their PCs. They’d prefer not to be trapped inside when everyone else is enjoying the sand and surf. This is why it’s essential to include a microlearning online training library that online learners can access anytime, anywhere. It only takes a few minutes to complete each online training activity, which leaves more time for fun in the sun.

4. Children’s School Breaks

Online learners who have parental responsibilities must consider their children’s school schedules, as well. Most children have the summer off. As a result, their parents may need to take a break from their eLearning courses to keep them occupied. It’s challenging to concentrate on eLearning activities when little ones are running around or engaging in sibling rivalry. Then there’s the usual summertime activities that kids enjoy, such as sports practice, swimming lessons, and trips to the local park/beach. In many respects, family duties take precedence over learning, and personal goals are put on hold until fall rolls around.

5. Personal Obligations

Those who aren’t raising a family have other personal obligations to consider. Summer doesn’t mean that they can simply push all of their commitments aside, even if the beach is tempting. For example, they’ve already agreed to take on volunteering work or to help out a friend who needs help with a seasonal project. In addition, online learners might have signed up for other events to broaden their horizons, such as workshops or seminars that focus on their professional pursuits.

6. Work Commitments

There are still bills to pay and work deadlines to meet during the summer. Stressful workloads often put personal eLearning courses on the back burner. Online learners are simply too worn out by the time their shift ends or their eLearning project finally comes to a close. In addition, it may be difficult to juggle their work, home, and eLearning schedules simultaneously. There are only so many hours in a day, after all. Even online training participation rates can suffer in the summertime. Meeting with clients and hitting sales targets often takes precedence over online training activities.

7. Summer Holidays

Summer isn’t as holiday-heavy as fall and winter. However, there is still Independence Day, Labor Day, and other special occasions to consider, such as birthdays, graduations, and anniversaries. There tend to be more social gatherings during the summer thanks to the favorable weather. Everyone seizes the opportunity to venture outside and host events al fresco. Those who aren’t attending these events may be busy planning them, which requires a more significant time commitment.

Top Tip To Overcome Summertime Distractions And Boost eLearning Participation

The secret to overcoming summertime distractions in order to boost eLearning participation is staying flexible and giving online learners control of their own online training. Clarify the learning objectives and goals beforehand, then allow them to set a personalized learning path. Just make sure that you have progress milestones in place to help those who lack the necessary motivation. For example, encourage them to meet up with a mentor or peer-based coaching group on a monthly basis. This also allows them to ask questions and get valuable tips to improve comprehension.

In addition, give your online learners the support they need to stay focused on their goals. Set up social media groups and online discussions where they can share their comments and concerns freely. Peers may be able to offer tips and tricks to manage their time more effectively based on their personal experiences.

The best way to deal with summertime eLearning participation distractions is to work around them. Online learners are more likely to participate if they have control of when, where, and how they gather the information. As such, you should give them the ability personalize their eLearning schedule and choose their own path.

Are you looking for more tips to reduce your eLearning drop-out rates? Read the article 10 Innovative Ways To Boost Online Learner Retention to discover 10 innovative ways to boost online learner retention and make them remember the key takeaways of the eLearning course.

Originally published on June 16, 2018