Blended Learning Benefits

Find out everything you need to know about Blended Learning Benefits. All the information you need about Blended Learning Benefits, written by the top eLearning authors.

September 27, 2014

Flipping your EFL Classroom? Go ahead!

Flipping an EFL classroom makes a lot of sense since it allows the teacher to focus on helping student develop their communication skills. Learners have more time to engage in actual, meaningful interaction in the target language in class, where the teacher is available to offer timely feedback and assistance. Teachers can reach more students in a way that caters to their learning pace and style. Best of all… it’s not really that hard to do.
by Fausto Puppo
February 19, 2014

Why Blended Learning Is Better

Blended learning is a buzz word that’s been thrown around quite a bit lately and brings together the best of both classroom learning and elearning. In fact it seems to be the ideal solution all-around as it appeals to all learning styles, circumstances, needs and demands. It combines the support of classroom learning with the flexibility of elearning.
by Roberta Gogos
December 15, 2013

How An LMS and BYOD Changed A School

This article describes a three-year implementation of a Learning Management System into a traditional private school on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. It shows the capacity of the LMS to promote classroom change and the power of the blended learning approach when a BYOD program is introduced to increase access to learning resources.
by Richard Jones
December 12, 2013

12 eLearning Buzzwords You Need To Know

Maybe you’re new to the eLearning industry, and all of this online training development language is unfamiliar to you—or maybe you’ve been in the industry for years, and you’re always discovering new trends and techniques to make your e-Learning development even better. Either way, if you’ve thought “Hmm, that’s a new term!” recently, then this post is for you!
by Christie Wroten
September 18, 2013

The Flipped Classroom Guide for Teachers

At the Teacher's Guide to Flipped Classroom you will be able to answer what is a flipped classroom, how does a flipped classroom contribute to student learning, the top benefits and disadvantages of a flipped classroom, and last but not least, how to successfully Flip your classroom.
by Christopher Pappas
December 7, 2012

What Is A Flipped Classroom?

“Flipped”, as in “Flipped Classroom,” is a buzzword often heard among the community of innovative educators. But what does this actually mean? Here are three informative multimedia presentations on the subject. The first is by Salman Khan, the pioneer whose highly successful website challenged teachers to consider changing the traditional classroom script. The second is a video by Aaron Sams, a teacher who wants to teach students how to set their own educational goals and become independent learners. The third is an infographic by Daniel Grafton that addresses important issues concerning Flipped Classrooms.
by Christopher Pappas