Bloom’s Taxonomy

A great selection of eLearning articles for Blooms Taxonomy. Information, benefits, disadvantages, prisnciples and valuable resources for Blooms Taxonomy, at eLearning Industry.

November 19, 2015

4 Ways To Allow Your eLearners To Bloom

While it is common practice to incorporate tasks from Bloom’s lower order objectives into eLearning, educators and learning professionals often have difficulty leveraging eLearning to involve the model’s higher order tasks. This article will illustrate 4 scalable ways to attain higher order cognitive objectives through eLearning.
by Nicholas Crowe
August 31, 2015

Writing Learning Objectives For eLearning: What eLearning Professionals Should Know

“Setting clear learning objectives” is a requirement you have probably read a thousand times when reading about how to design effective eLearning courses. However, “clear” may have different meaning for different people; what is absolutely clear to you may not be as clear as you think to your audience. In this article, I’ll show you specific ways to ensure that your learning objectives are crystal clear for everyone, and I'll also explain why this is so important for the success of your eLearning deliverable. Furthermore, I’ll share all the critical information you need to know about developing high quality learning objectives for eLearning.
by Christopher Pappas
July 28, 2015

Multiple Choice Questions In eLearning: What eLearning Professionals Should Know

Multiple choice is the most popular method of questioning, and it’s easy to see why. Rather than getting a 50/50 chance at choosing the right answer, as is the case with true or false questions, multiple choice involves a diverse range of variables that require insight, knowledge, and skill to answer correctly. In this article, I’ll delve into 4 best practices of developing multiple choice questions, and share 4 tips on how you can use them most effectively in your eLearning course.
by Christopher Pappas
July 19, 2015

Higher Order Questions In eLearning: What eLearning Professionals Should Know

Multiple choice and true or false questions have their uses, but higher order questions take learning to the next level. Rather than giving simple one word responses, your learners must think abstractly and search their knowledge banks to arrive at the correct conclusion. In this article, I’ll delve into the basics of higher order questions, as well as the various types you can use in your eLearning course. Finally, I’ll give you 4 tips on how to properly integrate them into your eLearning experience.
by Christopher Pappas
October 9, 2013

Does Blooms Taxonomy Still Have A role To Play In e-Learning?

Mayes and de Freitas (2004) state that the use of technology can be used to achieve better learning outcomes, more effective assessments or a more cost effective way of bringing learning environments to students; and that  reforming practice requires transformation of the understanding of the principles. So what are the pedagogical principles behind “e” learning?
by Mark Rollins
August 25, 2013

Bloom’s Taxonomy Applied To Football

Bloom’s taxonomy is still a hot subject in the eLearning and education world. We have decided to take the challenge and so we provide here an application of Bloom’s taxonomy to football. We chose football since it is a subject dear to many students and workers worldwide, due to the huge popularity of this sport. Readers not particularly interested or knowledgeable into football will find it very simple to translate this particular application of the taxonomy to any other team sports such as Basket, American Football, Hockey, Baseball, and more. 
by Paolo Leva
July 22, 2013

How Dads Teach Their Kids With Minecraft

Its school holidays we were all at home and looking for something fun to do. Things were going downhill the kids were bored; they wanted to play computer games! I didn’t want the kids spending their afternoon glued to a computer screen playing mindless games, so I designed a series of tasks for the children that helped them learn and gave them purposeful time on the iPad.
by Ken Taggart
November 29, 2012

Test And Assess – Be A Curator!

Paint cures but what’s that to do with testing? Curation as a process has been going on a long time; you probably had teachers who shared reading lists, sites of interest, things to do on your next family vacation.
by William J. Ryan
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