Collaboration In eLearning

Find out all the information you need about Collaboration In eLearning. Benefits, useful tips, best practices presented by the best professional eLearning authors.

February 13, 2020

How To Work Effectively With eLearning Vendors

eLearning vendors are organizations that create digital learning for other corporate organizations professionally. A lot of organizations that do not have the budget or resources to create their own eLearning team hire eLearning vendors to build courses for them based on their requirements, at a much lower cost than what they would incur if they built a team for that purpose.
by Debadrita Sengupta
November 30, 2019

Working With SMEs

Are you an entry-level Instructional Designer who has been given the task to work with/interview an SME? Take a deep breath and relax for a moment. This article will help you survive your first meeting and lay out some important information you need to know.
by megan weber
August 25, 2018 | Sponsored

How Human Interaction Increases Learner Success

How big of a difference does active learning make? Well as it turns out, quite a big one. A recent study has made a breakthrough in the science of learning by proving that not only does human interaction and active learning positively affect learner success, but the absence of active learning can actually hurt a learner.
by Amanda Rollins