Corporate eLearning Best Practices

All you need to know about Corporate eLearning Best Practices. Information, benefits, useful tips, technologies and valuable resources from eLearning Industry, featuring by eLearning professionals with the higher-level instructional design qualifications.

January 25, 2019

7 Ways To De-Stress Employees Before Online Training

We hate to hear it, but eLearning isn’t always at the top of everyone’s priorities. Why is that? What can we do to put online learners at ease, and have them look forward to an online training course? In this article, I’ll share 7 tips to get your employees cool, calm, and collected before online training.
by Christopher Pappas
January 14, 2019

eBook Release: Key Components For Impactful Compliance Training

With compliance training moving from back end to front end for a year now, organizations need to rethink their approach. The cases of failure are now taking more than fifteen minutes of fame, so no factor playing a part in this process can be taken lightly. With the workplace culture being considered as the touchstone for compliance training, favoritism should be discarded. That’s the main idea here, backed up by a sound methodology, and a willingness to foster collaboration. Reaching this edition’s conclusion you’ll agree that this is a sure way for impactful compliance.
by Christopher Pappas