Corporate eLearning Best Practices

All you need to know about Corporate eLearning Best Practices. Information, benefits, useful tips, technologies and valuable resources from eLearning Industry, featuring by eLearning professionals with the higher-level instructional design qualifications.

May 28, 2017

Employee Pre-Boarding: eLearning Strategies To Help New Hires Get Started

Within one week of first starting a new job, 33% of new hires determine whether they want to stay or leave. That's why it's vital to make new hires feel welcomed and provide them with clarity about what to expect if you want to keep them. The first week also provides an opportunity to get them up to performance for improved efficiency. That's why it's important to start the process early with employee pre-boarding.
by Steve Penfold
May 24, 2017

Building Your Online Corporate Training Strategy

Many companies are considering online training strategy over traditional in-classroom style training because of it's low-cost deployment advantage. But before you jump on the band wagon, there are a few things you should look at to make sure you're are implementing it effectively...
by Ravinder Tulsiani
May 22, 2017

Using Change Management For Mobile Learning

If you are curious about how your first mobile learning project can benefit from change management, this article gives you the definitive answer. Learn how to align mobile learning projects with existing CM strategies and how change management can ensure your mobile learning project is a success.
by Kristin Garn