Corporate Learning And Development

Corporate Learning and Development: News, trends and tips for the best practices in Corporate Learning and Development. Find out more in our eLearning database.

February 28, 2015

3 Reasons To Switch To Online Training

The ‘80s and the ‘90s gave birth to a new generation – a generation that has forced organizations to rethink their training strategy. If your organization has not made the switch to online training yet, this article will make you rethink your training strategy.
by Heera Edwin
February 22, 2015

Online Training: Evolution Or Revolution?

There isn’t a business in any industry today that doesn’t feel the heat to transform themselves on a yearly, quarterly, monthly, or even a daily basis. The eLearning industry is no different. So this begs the question: Is the online training market in an evolution or a revolution?
by John Eades
February 17, 2015

7 Alternative LMS Trends For 2015

There are lots of LMS trend lists for 2015, focusing on “new” (some not so new) features such as mobile, gamification and social learning etc. The following is a list of non-feature trends that I believe will shape the LMS space of 2015 and beyond.
by Grant Williams
February 10, 2015

Top 5 Performance Management Online Training Strategies

One of the most effective ways to boost an organization's productivity, profits, and professional accountability is by creating a winning performance management online training strategy. In this article, I'll highlight the top 5 performance management online training strategies that you should be aware of.
by Christopher Pappas
February 4, 2015

Why Soft Skills Are Key To EVERYONE’s Employability And Career Progression

The message about ‘soft skills’ has been garnering a lot of support in the press: highly qualified graduates with a string of A*s but who are uncomfortable in face-to-face meetings and making calls. Business is all about building relationships and those relationships just don’t develop via email – people need to go out there and talk to other people and they need soft skills to do it. Mark Rose explains how it can be done.
by Mark Rose
January 19, 2015

Are MOOCs and eLearning Just Fads?

The Massive Open Online Course, aka MOOC, is an online course designed for unlimited participation and open access via the web. MOOCs have made a mark because the history of learning has now changed. Anyone with an Internet connection can take MOOCs, at no cost, from a top university. MOOCs, just like eLearning and Virtual Training, show how the nature of learning - be it in the education sector or Learning and Development in the business world - is changing. But just like the principle of MOOCs, which some will dismiss as a fad, the principle of eLearning is that it’s cost effective, efficient and can deliver great results. It’s all a matter of how you use it.
by Mark Rose
December 26, 2014

3 Major Training Management Failures

There are many ways that a business can go about creating a bad training experience. A survey conducted a few years back revealed that only 20% of business leaders were happy with their business’s Learning and Development function. Clearly, there is a lot of room for improvement in this area, but what training management practices should be avoided to ensure positive outcomes?
by Jason Silberman
December 22, 2014

Learners Think Training Is A Burden - 8 Tips to Change This!

I am sorry to bring the bad news, but unless you are creating commercial courses that people buy on their own, there is a big possibility your precious learners think that training is a burden. You might be putting your heart and soul into a product for people who actually wish training would disappear from their to-do list, and think that training is a useless waste of their time, time that they can use for other, more productive activities (like for example meeting this month’s target). I know it is unfair and harsh, but can you really blame them?
by Nahla Anwer Aly