Corporate Learning And Development

Corporate Learning and Development: News, trends and tips for the best practices in Corporate Learning and Development. Find out more in our eLearning database.

July 12, 2015

Why The Learning And Development Industry Should Think Differently To Improve Performance

Hands up if you know what is working in your learning departments and why. Do you make assumptions about what’s working in your organization, or do you gather evidence and use it to understand why learning initiatives succeed or fail? In this article I will share why the Learning & Development industry should think differently in terms of how we are using evidence in order to improve performance.
by Christopher Pappas
July 6, 2015

Performance Support Tools: Top 5 Things Your Boss Wants To Know

In this article, through a series of questions, I will provide answers on what Performance Support Tools (PSTs) are and why they must be an integral part of your organization’s learning strategy. I will also share my insights on how they help learners and how they can help address a key challenge that Learning and Development professionals face in terms of increasing knowledge recall, its retention, and application.
by Asha Pandey
July 6, 2015

How To Create An Effective eLearning Experience?

In today’s business scenarios, anyone may be able to create a simple online course; however, creating an effective eLearning course is a different thing altogether. eLearning is becoming a common area where employers can create their eLearning courses with ease; but using several media does not necessarily improve the effectiveness of an eLearning activity. Good Instructional Design is more critical to achieving learning effectiveness than special multimedia effects. In this article I will share a few things you need to know about creating effective eLearning courses.
by Soni Amit K
July 1, 2015

Using Storytelling For Compliance: Why Storytelling Is At The Heart Of Great Compliance Training

A storytelling approach makes sense for learning of any kind, but it's particularly effective when you need to make data and complex information meaningful and relevant to your audience. Learning facts is difficult, but assimilating a story is something that comes naturally to most of us. Read how using storytelling for compliance training helps compliance learners not only absorb information, but also change their behaviors.
by Heather Pope
June 19, 2015

Proof Of The Pudding: Measuring The Business Impact Of Corporate Training

In the workplace, proving the benefits of our activities is not always easy. But in order to know what activities truly add value and help to achieve goals, measuring results and providing evidence of success is vital. Measuring the impact of corporate training is highly important but it is often not done effectively or indeed at all. This article addresses some of the key considerations for measuring the training in every organization.
by John O Brien
June 10, 2015

5 Benefits Of Integrating Knowledge Management Systems Into Corporate eLearning Platforms

Most companies, having realized the importance of standardized procedures with respect to training and information exchange among employees both vertically and horizontally, have invested thousands of dollars on various types of eSolutions, such as corporate web sites, learning management systems, and knowledge management systems. However, many HR departments still find themselves in position of spending both work-hours and effort striving not only to evaluate, classify and prioritize documents before deciding what to communicate to whom and how, but also to handle issues such as files updates, access rights, duplicates in distinct locations, etc. In this article, I’ll give you 5 top benefits of integrating your knowledge management system into your corporate eLearning platform for optimizing professional development within your organization.
by Marisa Keramida (M.Ed.)