Custom eLearning

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October 9, 2015

Personalization Of eLearning Process

Every single learning process should be adapted to the target group. To make it happen we used to perform analysis before we start to design it. Thinking about the eLearning process we can be, however, much more accurate in delivering training intervention. We can not only analyze the needs of the target group and design the process corresponding to the findings, but we can also personalize it to meet the needs of every single learner. Let’s take a look at the personalization of eLearning process and how to do it.
by Marek Hyla
September 9, 2015

Customization Options For TalentLMS

There is no better way to strengthen your brand than offering a fully branded experience to your people, customers and employees alike. TalentLMS has strong customization in mind from the get-go, from simple options to change a logo to full-fledged CSS and JavaScript implementations. Have a look at what this awesome canvas has to offer.
by John Laskaris
September 6, 2015

The Benefits Of Custom Mobile Learning Solutions For Your Company

In one of my earlier articles, “Top 5 Tips For Innovative eLearning Development”, I had touched upon two significant challenges that Learning and Development teams face today. First is, how to enhance efficacy of learning; second being what learning strategies should be adopted to ensure both learning and business mandates are met. Adopting custom mobile learning solutions for your company could be one of the measures to mitigate these challenges.
by Asha Pandey
August 30, 2015

Custom Mobile Learning Solutions: 5 Common Misconceptions

The popularity of mobile learning or mLearning continues to grow. Interestingly, integration of mobile devices into corporate learning strategies has been triggered largely by learners who want the flexibility of device they want to learn on. As a result, many corporates worldwide now have Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies in place and have embraced custom mobile learning or mLearning solutions in the last 2-3 years. Yet there are several misconceptions around the effectiveness of custom mobile learning or mLearning solutions. In this article I will outline five of the common misconceptions on custom mobile learning solutions. More specifically, I will share some pointers on how you can address some of these challenges and create an effective custom mobile learning solution that will work for you.
by Asha Pandey
August 21, 2015

The Power Of Personalization In eLearning

Ask 10 people to order a pizza and you’ll see just how individual we all are and that there are endless ways to create personal savory perfection. Thin base or thick? Order in or take out? More mozzarella… but hold the anchovies, thanks! Personalization allows us to add a touch of the pizza experience to eLearning through customizing content and features to the learner’s individual needs, preferences, and learning style. Through applying personalization in eLearning, learning content can be presented to the individual rather than the group… and allow everyone to choose their own toppings!
by Ruby Spencer, CTDP
August 14, 2015

12 Incredible Ways Custom eLearning Helps Distributed Workforce

Custom eLearning development offers a wide range of advantages in the private sector, but is custom eLearning really the way to go for distributed workforces? When your employees are scattered around the globe, designing and developing an online training program can be a challenging task. In this article, I’ll share 12 of the most convincing reasons why custom eLearning is a worthwhile investment for global organizations, so that you can enrich the overall experience for your staff that is located in different parts of the world.
by Christopher Pappas
July 6, 2015

Differentiated Instruction In eLearning: What eLearning Professionals Should Know

Every learner comes into your eLearning course with unique learning needs, skills, experience levels, and personalities. This makes it increasingly difficult to provide an individualized learning experience to each member of your audience unless you know the basics and best practices of differentiated instruction. In this article, I’ll share 4 ways to identify the needs of individual learners and 5 tips on how to employ differentiated instruction in eLearning in order to increase the effectiveness of your eLearning course.
by Christopher Pappas
June 30, 2015

What Is Bespoke eLearning? Featuring 6 Killer Examples

The edge that a bespoke or custom developed course has over off-the-shelf course is well established. In this article I will illustrate the power of bespoke eLearning to create sticky learning through 6 examples. I have picked examples that address varied training needs like compliance, application simulation, and professional skills.
by Asha Pandey
June 23, 2015

Personalized eLearning: A Customized Approach To Accelerated eLearning

Today's world is far different than the one our parents and grandparents grew up and lived in. The age of "standardization" and "One-size-fits-all" no longer applies. Today, especially where technology is so ubiquitous in every aspect of our lives, "personalization" has become very important - be it in manufacturing, services or retail business. Personalization is needed to make a product or service more endearing to the target audience, and this is especially true for eLearning. As a result, the concept of Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) is becoming more relevant in today's academic world.
by Marina Arshavskiy
June 8, 2015

Catalog eLearning Courses vs Custom eLearning Courses: 6 Factors To Consider

Not sure whether you should choose a custom eLearning course or a pre-built one? Whether you’ve opted to go with a catalog eLearning course for your learners or have decided to start from scratch and develop a custom eLearning solution, choosing the right eLearning course and vendor is essential. In this article, I´ll share 6 valuable tips to help you choose the best custom and catalog eLearning courses addressing to your audience.
by Christopher Pappas