eLearning Development Best Practices

Anything you need to know about eLearning Development Best Practices, written by the top eLearning experts worldwide. The biggest and most thorough collection of eLearning Development Best Practices, for eLearning professionals who need to create high-quality eLearning courses.

April 10, 2015

7 Benefits Of Mistake-Driven Learning

We all make mistakes; it is an inevitable part of being humans. However, it is what we do with the experience we collect from those mistakes that makes a world of difference. In this article I will share the many benefits that mistake-driven learning can offer your eLearning courses.
by Christopher Pappas
April 9, 2015

Timesaving Design Tricks for eLearning Developers

You know those e-Learning developers who are out there, churning out amazing looking courses? I bet you’re sitting there wondering how they can quickly produce such great content. Well, I’m here to tell you that they have a secret. The secret is that they’re not starting from scratch. That’s right, those tricksters are using templates and other design resources to take their course from white space to a great place in no time at all!
by Stephanie Ivec
April 6, 2015

6 Tips To Improve eLearning Course Navigation

While high quality content, stunning visuals, and interactive eLearning activities may be essential elements of any successful eLearning course, all of these come second to navigability. If learners cannot navigate your eLearning course, then they cannot become active participants in the learning process. In this article, I’ll shed light on how you can significantly improve your eLearning course navigation.
by Christopher Pappas
April 6, 2015

3 Tips To Spice Up Your eLearning Programs

We all have them; training programs that are nice, clean, get the job done but are just a little plain. Think of your basic macaroni and cheese recipe. Now think of that same macaroni and cheese, but maybe with some bacon, three different ooey gooey cheeses, crunchy bread crumbs on top and maybe some cayenne pepper thrown in to kick it up to the next level. Which macaroni and cheese would you rather eat? Both versions will satisfy your hunger, but which one looks better and makes you want to take action and try it?
by Melissa Dougherty
April 5, 2015

How To Create A Successful Mobile Learning Strategy: 6 Secrets For eLearning Professionals

It is undeniable that mobile learning is the future. An increasing number of learners are turning to their mobile devices to expand their horizons, both in formal and informal learning environments. In this article I'll share 6 secrets you can use to create a successful mobile learning strategy for your online learners, so that they can receive all the benefits that mobile learning courses have to offer.
by Christopher Pappas
April 1, 2015

Non-Linear eLearning Design: 6 Common Misconceptions Instructional Designers Should Know

Although the concept of non-linearity in eLearning course design may seem straightforward, misconceptions about non-linearity in instructional design are common. In this article, I’ll discuss some common misconceptions about non-linearity, as well as the fact that, in most cases, instructional designers follow a mixed approach, including both linear and non-linear elements.
by Marisa Keramida (M.Ed.)
March 28, 2015

7 Tips To Use Learners' Creativity In eLearning

By encouraging learners to use their creativity in eLearning courses you can transform even the most tedious subject matter into a unique and memorable eLearning experience. In this article I'll share 7 key tips on how to take full advantage of learners creativity when designing and developing your eLearning course.
by Christopher Pappas