eLearning Solutions

Are you looking for the best tips on eLearning Solutions? Click for all the latest articles, written by our top eLearning authors.

December 8, 2016

Building eLearning Software: Why Choose The SCORM Standard?

The article is about SCORM usage for developing eLearning solutions. Here you will find a brief format description and short history of the SCORM standard as well. Also, you will learn SCORM principles, benefits, and the features it is possible to implement in eLearning solutions thanks to SCORM authoring tools.
by Sergey Valuy
October 28, 2016

8 Benefits Of Using eLearning Course Review Tools

eLearning course review tools give you the power to collaborate, revise, and share feedback for your eLearning course. But can they really make a difference for your eLearning team? And are they worth the investment? In this article, I'll explore the top 8 benefits of using eLearning course review tools.
by Christopher Pappas
September 7, 2016

Discussing eLearning For Mental Health

eLearning has rapidly expanded to provide more flexible learning options in the medical sphere, but could it also be used to promote learning amidst the patients? This article explores options for using eLearning for mental health training.
by Adrienne Erin
August 17, 2016

6 Top eLearning Course Reviewer Tools And Selection Criteria

Are you looking for an editing tool that takes the headache out of online collaboration? eLearning course review software gives you the ability to revise, edit, and share feedback on every aspect of your eLearning course. In this article, I’ll highlight 6 of the best eLearning course reviewer tools for eLearning professionals.
by Christopher Pappas
May 9, 2016

eBridge Review: The All-in-One Course Review Tool

Are you looking for a tool that provides free-flowing communication and collaboration among your eLearning team? Do you need an all-in-one course review tool that gives you the power to review, provide feedback, and implement changes during every stage of the design process? In this article, I'll review eBridge by EI Design and explore its key features and advantages.
by Christopher Pappas
April 12, 2016

Introducing eBridge: An Online Review And Collaboration Tool To Optimize eLearning Course Development

All of us who are in the business of custom eLearning development are aware of its increasing complexity and the intrinsic need to have an agile process to keep pace with increasing customer expectations. Customers today are looking for just-in-time online status updates, faster turn-around time, and reduced cost for better and enhanced learning designs. Often, the development process includes reviews from multiple Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and reviewers working from different regions and time zones across the globe without access to a single source to review and get online status updates. Due to varied needs of customers, you possibly use multiple authoring tools to craft the required custom online training solution. In an ideal world, you would love to provide a single interface for all of these (both to your development teams and customers), won’t you? Let us introduce eBridge, which does just that.
by Asha Pandey
April 1, 2016

3 Factors To Consider When Choosing An eLearning Solution

With the increasing amount of eLearning solutions, a drop in quality might be imminent – this is what some of the modern patterns tell us. Nobody wants to make a bad decision when choosing an eLearning solution, let alone change solutions in a short time period. In this article I state several tips that might assist during the choosing process.
by Filip Dimitrijević