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August 9, 2021 | Sponsored

Traditional Training Obstacles That Collaborative Learning Activities Overcome

Traditional, top-down approaches to corporate learning are a major reason for our current crisis in learning. These approaches treat learning as something that is done to people, rather than something they can decide for themselves. Fortunately, Collaborative Learning activities offer a way to overcome these traditional training disadvantages, helping to boost employee engagement and positively impact ROI for training.
by Tom Baragwanath
August 2, 2021

From Client Meet-Ups To Live Events: How To Find The Best Corporate Meeting Software For Large Enterprises

Remote corporate meeting solutions are one of the most cost-effective ways to enhance your L&D strategy and improve customer relations. However, this greatly depends on corporate meeting software features and price point. Ideally, you need a tool that aligns with your use case and business objectives. It should also be easy for every member of the team to use, whether they’re hosting or attending VILT events.
by Christopher Pappas