Gamification Benefits

Wondering about the Gamification Benefits in eLearning? Check the biggest and most thorough collection of eLearning articles about Gamification Benefits, written from our eLearning authors.

March 2, 2014

Top 10 Competencies of a Gamified Learning Designer

Gamified learning is one of the major revolutions happening around us that demands a shift in the mere thinking of ‘learning’. It requires us to unlearn and relearn some of the traditional notions related to learning styles and preferences, and the dimensions and the elements of learning design. In this article, we will take a quick look at the top 10 essential competencies required for a learning designer to design effective gamified learning interventions.
by Ravi Pratap Singh
December 30, 2013

Make Progress Obvious In Gamification For Learning

You’re considering -or already using- gamification in learning and your mission is clear: You want to increase engagement and motivation by harnessing the power of what humans inherently love to do -play games. Now take your gamification design to the next level by making progress obvious for your players.
by Cindy McCabe
December 22, 2013

Gaze Into The Future Of eLearning With Karl Kapp - Part 2

Part 2: In an exclusive interview with Learnnovators, Karl Kapp shares his insights and foresights on the challenges of building an education system that aligns with the dynamically changing demands of this knowledge age. He also speaks about how gamification is going to influence this learning revolution, with advice for today’s instructional technologists and companies who aspire to incorporate gamification in learning.
by Ravi Pratap Singh
December 18, 2013

Gaze Into The Future Of eLearning With Karl Kapp - Part 1

In an exclusive interview with Learnnovators, Karl Kapp shares his insights and foresights on the challenges of building an education system that aligns with the dynamically changing demands of this knowledge age. He also speaks about how gamification is going to influence this learning revolution, with advice for today’s instructional technologists and companies who aspire to incorporate gamification in learning. Read on…
by Ravi Pratap Singh
December 12, 2013

12 eLearning Buzzwords You Need To Know

Maybe you’re new to the eLearning industry, and all of this online training development language is unfamiliar to you—or maybe you’ve been in the industry for years, and you’re always discovering new trends and techniques to make your e-Learning development even better. Either way, if you’ve thought “Hmm, that’s a new term!” recently, then this post is for you!
by Christie Wroten
November 13, 2013

4 Effective Gamification Strategies For Corporate Training

How do game-based learning gamification, and eLearning designers learn ways to increase engagement and effectiveness in corporate training? By looking at popular games! Here we look at the wildly successful Candy Crush Saga to teach us 4 effective gamification design strategies for your next learning game project.
by Cindy McCabe
March 20, 2013

Gamify The Classroom

Recently, there has been a surge in “gamifying” education, or presenting content in a game-like context to motivate learners to engage with the material. Is this a fad, or a natural evolution in educating the next generation of students?
by Christopher Pappas