Gamification Benefits

Wondering about the Gamification Benefits in eLearning? Check the biggest and most thorough collection of eLearning articles about Gamification Benefits, written from our eLearning authors.

April 10, 2017

Gamification And Serious Games: Differences And Benefits eLearning Pros Need To Know

Gamification and serious games offer similar benefits. They help to engage online learners, motivate them to succeed, and inspire them to achieve their true potential. But there are notable differences between these two popular approaches. In this article, I'll compare and contrast gamification versus serious games, then highlight the benefits of using them in your eLearning strategy.
by Christopher Pappas
March 30, 2017

Gamification In eLearning: Getting It Right

It is possible to use gamification in eLearning and still to stick to ineffective linear learning. If you've ever sat in a desk in a large classroom of desks listening to a dry lecture while daydreaming about being anywhere else, you know how ineffective linear learning can be.
by Sergey Snegirev