Instructional Design

Instructional Design is the backbone of eLearning. Read on and discover information, terms, theories and models of Instructional Design, presented by the best eLearning professionals. Get ready to create worthy eLearning courses!

August 6, 2016

7 Tips To Apply The Generative Learning Theory In Corporate eLearning

Are you offering your employees a meaningful corporate eLearning experience, in the truest sense of the word? The human mind must be able to form a connection between new concepts and preexisting schemas in order to enhance knowledge retention. In this article, I’ll share 7 tips for using the Generative Learning Theory to facilitate meaning construction in corporate eLearning.
by Christopher Pappas
March 22, 2016

eBook Release: eLearning 101 - A Practical Guide

If you’re getting started with eLearning or want to learn more about Instructional Design, this eBook by Trivantis is a great resource. eLearning 101: A Practical Guide, provides an overview of many topics, including the history of eLearning, Instructional Design strategies, how to choose an authoring tool and LMS, and the life cycle of a training course.
by Christopher Pappas
March 6, 2016

5 Tips To Integrate Anchored Instruction In eLearning

Anchored Instruction in eLearning gives eLearning professionals the opportunity not only to spark online discussions and introduce the topic, but also to explore the subject matter at length by combining face-to-face instruction and collaborative eLearning activities. In this article, I will discuss the basics of Anchored Instruction in eLearning, and I'll offer 5 tips on how to use it in your eLearning course design.
by Christopher Pappas
February 27, 2016

Gamifying Instructional Design With Learning Battle Cards

Gamification has always been in, but there was no one to call it the name it now boasts. Games engage our attention; make us feel a bit like kids. Even “serious” games drive us to compete with one another. Same thing with Learning Battle Cards, which are currently being launched globally.
by Piotr Peszko
October 23, 2015

Learning Battle Cards On My Desk! At Last!

I am happy and proud. 4 years of our work on the Learning Battle Cards project has just concluded. In the final stage of it we have just printed out the first batch of cards in the biggest Polish playing cards publishing house (Trefl). Here is a short story of mutual effort which let us to celebrate this moment.
by Marek Hyla
May 16, 2015

Instructional Design Models and Theories: The Component Display Theory

The Component Display Theory was introduced in 1983 by M. David Merrill to work alongside Reigeluth's Theory, with the first detailing the “micro elements” of an effective instructional design, though Reigeluth's theory the “macro elements”. The Component Display Theory soon gained popularity among instructional designers and in 1994 Merrill presented a new version of it, known as the Component Design Theory. In this article, I’ll go through its basic principles and how they can be applied to instructional design for eLearning.
by Christopher Pappas
March 27, 2015

Learner Engagement: How To Create Effective Assessment Strategies

The article describes the methods that can be used to create effective assessment strategies in eLearning courses. It also outlines the various types of assessments that are used in eLearning courses. Additionally, the article elucidates the various ways to create effective assessments and provide diagnostic feedback to the learners. An interesting framework, Assessment Map is also discussed here. Assessment map helps the Instructional Designers to create the right assessments for each of the Learning Objectives.
by Asha Pandey