Leadership Training

All you need to know about Leadership Training. Information, tips and benefits, best practices, examples, new trends and valuable resources from eLearning Industry. Click to read or submit your article!

June 25, 2018

6 Soft Skills To Teach Your Leaders

Many corporate training programs overemphasize (or, worse, focus solely on) hard skills development. Yet, a balance between hard and soft skills is essential for a business to thrive. In this article, we examine the importance of leadership training and the soft skills a great manager should possess.
by Nikos Andriotis
April 2, 2017

5 Ways To Use Simulations To Develop Leaders: Risk-Free, Realistic Leadership Preparation

The often repeated phrase “Good leaders aren’t always born – they can be made!” is true. Quite often though, these leaders are created with the help of highly sophisticated software; and not in boardrooms or around negotiating tables, but behind a screen and a keyboard! While traditional leadership development tools, such as learning exchange, action learning, and role-rotation, are good, they can be time consuming. There may be a considerable lag-time from the time that future leaders enter such programs, to the time they finally emerge as fully trained leaders. The use of simulators is a very quick, cost-effective, and risk-free way to develop leadership skills; and many world class organizations have already embraced them. In this article, we’ll talk about different ways to use simulations to develop leaders.
by Marina Arshavskiy