Mobile Learning

Mobile Learning (mLearning) is a revolution in eLearning. Learn everything about the trends, the advantages, the design tips and many more from our top eLearning authors. Click to read, share our valuable resources or submit your article!

January 21, 2016

8 Tips To Create Multi-Platform eLearning Courses

"Supply and demand" may be a marketing term, but it also pertains to eLearning delivery methods. An increasing number of learners are now demanding multi-platform eLearning courses. In this article, I’ll offer 8 tips for creating smartphone, tablet, and wearable tech-friendly eLearning.
by Christopher Pappas
January 11, 2016

6 Mobile Learning Trends For 2016

Looking for ways to keep your mobile learning course modern and memorable? Based on a report released by Towards Maturity, roughly 47% of organizations are now using mobile devices for their online training needs [1] and that number is sure to grow. Read up on these top 6 mobile learning trends that are on the rise in 2016.
by Christopher Pappas
January 6, 2016

4 Best eLearning Mobile Apps For Your Employees

The challenge for human resources officers to provide upgraded training materials to a workforce that can be scattered across many states and countries is tough, especially when budgets are limited. By using eLearning mobile apps that allow employees to learn on their terms and their location choices, you can take down impediments to ensuring each employee has the same access to learning materials, regardless of where they work and what shift they are on.
by Roz Bahrami
November 20, 2015

SuperMemo: Learn Fast And Forget About Forgetting

To remember something you have to repeat information. There are no shortcuts. The problem with repetition, however, is that you never know when to bring certain piece of information again to your mind. So you end up either with repeating the bulk portion of information (e.g. the whole list of new words of another language without distinguishing which one you already remember and which one is still not memorized) or do nothing.
by Marek Hyla
September 25, 2015

Ubiquitous Learning: What Every Education Organization Needs To Know

While a variety of platforms have been developed and tested in the eLearning space -blended learning, flipped classrooms, gamified learning, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), and more- the perspective of ubiquitous learning has rarely been applied in a concrete way to real online/computer-based educational efforts. This article presents a broad view of ubiquitous learning in the Professional Education context and some quick ways for education organizations to begin building ubiquitous learning efforts.
by Ashish Rangnekar
September 23, 2015

Lifelong Learning In Companies Of The 21st century

Lifelong learning and especially continuous training in the business world is becoming increasingly important in a world of constant renovation and change. It is precisely these changes what makes us live in an accelerated way and expect everything to be immediate. In this article we will see which characteristics workers demand in the corporate training processes and how some platforms are addressing corporate training through microlearning.
by Juan Carlos Sánchez Aparicio
September 15, 2015

Hacking The Learning Curve With Apple Watch

School’s out. With the abundance of online learning providers, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), online universities, and so on, it’s clear that learning is no longer confined to the classroom. Despite our incessant demands for convenience, however, learning still takes time. For this, we have our old friend the learning curve to thank.
by Thomas Oliver Holl
August 14, 2015

Why Gen Y Doesn't Want To Use mLearning?

It is a common way of thinking that mobile learning is a perfect way of delivering competencies to young people. A couple of months ago, during one of our consulting projects, we realized that this is not so sure. Here is a story about Gen Y who doesn’t want to use mLearning…
by Marek Hyla