Online Learners

Here you can find a great selection of eLearning articles for Online Learners. Discover everything about eLearning activities that Online Learners prefer or not in eLearning experiences. Find also information, benefits, disadvantages, technologies and valuable resources for Online Learners.

November 19, 2015

4 Ways To Allow Your eLearners To Bloom

While it is common practice to incorporate tasks from Bloom’s lower order objectives into eLearning, educators and learning professionals often have difficulty leveraging eLearning to involve the model’s higher order tasks. This article will illustrate 4 scalable ways to attain higher order cognitive objectives through eLearning.
by Nicholas Crowe
November 4, 2015

Game-Based Learning: What Do Gamers Expect Of eLearning?

The reason that many people will draw on the conclusion that eLearning is often unappealing or unengaging is that the audience will predominantly be those who enjoy video games as a hobby. Most eLearning itself with its interactive and participative content does carry a lot of similarities with video games, so parallels will often be drawn between the two. In this article I will share what gamers expect of eLearning, so that you will be able to know what you should be mindful of when creating game-based learning experiences.
by Chris Hodgson