Social Learning Platform

Anything you need to know about Social Learning Platform, written by the top eLearning experts worldwide. The biggest and most thorough collection of Social Learning Platform. Read everything at eLearning industry, share our valuable resources or submit your article!

March 4, 2016

5 Ultimate Tricks Of Using Social Media As Learning Tools

It’s no secret that our students spend most of their free time on social media websites. Teachers keep seeing their students with their phones, and we usually get frustrated by that habit. It’s time to start seeing things differently: Social media can be a useful tool to use for educational purposes. You constantly try to bring your teaching methods closer to the “real world”, so why don’t you use social media as learning tools and networks as the perfect chance to achieve that goal?
by Stephanie Norman
October 16, 2015

Social Media Lessons

Ever stopped to consider the way we use, interact with, and even rely on our social media accounts? It’s more than just tweeting, posting a status update, and searching for an interesting subreddit – now consider applying these habits to learning online. What can social media and the habits we’ve formed do to benefit the world of eLearning? Let’s find out.
by Sarah Welby
November 7, 2014

Social Media Tools - Taking Informal Learning To New Heights

In today's Internet-driven world, more and more knowledge workers prefer to have a say in how the company facilitates their learning. With so much of the world's workforce connected to Social Media, that's where most workers are turning to informally seek their knowledge. In this article, I will cover informal learning and how Social Media tools can be used in learning. I will also cover the points that need to be considered to ensure effective learning through Social Media tools.
by Marina Arshavskiy
August 6, 2013

The Twitter Guide For Teachers

Twitter can be an incredible tool for both teachers and students when used correctly. As a teacher, your role in the process is to be professional, understanding, and as creative as possible. In regards to Twitter, the possibilities are as endless as you make them. At the Teachers Guide to Twitter you will find: How as a teacher can you effectively utilize Twitter, a creative writing lesson plan using Twitter, 15 creative ways to use Twitter in the classroom, and 15 videos on how as a teacher can you use Twitter in classroom!
by Christopher Pappas