Time Management Tips

Looking for the best Time Management Tips? Get into eLearning Industry database and find out useful information about Time Management Tips. Anything you need to know about Time Management Tips, written by the top eLearning authors!

May 4, 2015

Completing An Online Course: 13 Time Management Tips

We’re all busy—family, work, school, life, life, work, work... One of the biggest challenges faced by online learners is managing time and carving out enough time and space to complete the requirements of their online course or program. When learners don’t manage time well—when they put off all the readings, discussions and learning activities off until the last moment—they invariably fall behind and inevitably struggle to complete their course (as high rates of attrition in online learning attest). 
by Mary Burns
April 9, 2015

Timesaving Design Tricks for eLearning Developers

You know those e-Learning developers who are out there, churning out amazing looking courses? I bet you’re sitting there wondering how they can quickly produce such great content. Well, I’m here to tell you that they have a secret. The secret is that they’re not starting from scratch. That’s right, those tricksters are using templates and other design resources to take their course from white space to a great place in no time at all!
by Stephanie Ivec
March 9, 2015

5 Factors To Consider When Calculating Seat Time In eLearning

There are a number of factors that have a direct impact upon the seat time of your eLearning course, all of which must be considered when creating your estimate for your clients and your audience. In this article, I'll highlight some of the most important factors that you'll want to keep in mind when calculating seat time in eLearning.
by Christopher Pappas
November 21, 2014

6 Tips to Estimate Your eLearning Course Development Time

In this article, you'll learn about the important considerations to bear in mind when estimating your eLearning course development time. Estimating the development time of your eLearning course as accurately as possible is of high importance, as it will help you to create a spot-on bid. So, you won't have to worry about overestimating or underestimating your work due to inaccurate quotes.
by Christopher Pappas
November 12, 2014

7 Time Management Tips For eLearning Professionals

In this article, I'll share 7 helpful tips on how to save time and meet deadlines when designing and developing your eLearning deliverables. Whether you're working on an online training module that needs to be completed ASAP, or on a K-12 eLearning course that is more complicated and time consuming than you had anticipated, these time management tips can help you to stay on track and significantly boost your productivity.
by Christopher Pappas
September 27, 2014

6 Tips To Estimate Your eLearning Course Length

In this article, I will discuss the key factors that you'll want to bear in mind when estimating your eLearning course length. This will allow you to create eLearning courses that are just long enough to achieve the desired learning objectives, but still short enough to avoid learner boredom and frustration.
by Christopher Pappas
October 25, 2013

5 Time-Saving Tips for Online Instruction

Do you check your email before breakfast? Ever feel like your online class is taking over your life? Online instruction does operate at its own schedule, but the schedule should not control you. Here are some time saving tips for the online teaching environment.
by Douglass Bourne