Tin Can API

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March 3, 2017

xAPI Enabled LMS: Tracking eLearning Experiences

There isn’t any doubt that people are heavily reliant on technology these days. Every single day, without fail, people use a range of devices -computers, laptops, mobile devices, etc.- to stay connected and boost knowledge. As such, eLearning has witnessed strong growth in the past few years and more students have started to realize the benefits offered by this convenient educational source. However, it would not have been possible for the eLearning domain to flourish so much without one key tool: The Learning Management System (LMS).
by Kamy Anderson
November 19, 2016

The 4 Types Of Compatibility Standards In eLearning

If you are getting started with eLearning, your focus should be more on the standards in eLearning. This is because standards can improve the quality of your eLearning courses. In this article, we will see the compatibility standards in eLearning which address the relationship between the course and a Learning Management System.
by Ayesha Habeeb Omer, Ph.D
April 18, 2016

What Is SCORM? 5 Essential SCORM Facts You Should Know

Even though the content standard is discussed all the time, many eLearning professionals still struggle to answer the question: "What is SCORM?" In this article, I list 5 essential SCORM facts that will help you get to grips with the full potential of SCORM for your learning and training programs.
by Des V. Anderson
December 8, 2015

Yes We Can: A Tin Can API Primer

This isn’t the first Tin Can API explainer article ever written. But the subject is so important to the future of eLearning that, basically, the more the merrier. If we adopt it, Tin Can API is going to be a genuine game changer, so read on if you’ve heard of it but aren’t quite sure what it is, how it works, and what it can do.
by David Hill
October 24, 2015

4 Reasons Why SCORM Is Dying And How You Will Survive!

Sharable Content Object Reference Model, or simply just SCORM, is dying a slow death. In fact, the only reason why it’s still used is because administrators of Learning Management Systems have been doing so since the very beginning. And so they have just accepted it as the standard. But wait a minute; let’s take a step back.
by Gilles Mattelin (Hiring)
July 23, 2015

The Experience API (xAPI): What You Need To Know

What if there were a simple way to store and retrieve learning records and learner experience profiles – no matter what platform you’re using? Now, there is; you may have heard of it at conferences, around your office, or in eLearning news. It’s called the Experience API (xAPI).
by Christie Wroten