The Pillars Of Strategic Employee Onboarding [eBook Release]

The Pillars Of Strategic Employee Onboarding [eBook Release]

The Pillars Of Strategic Employee Onboarding [eBook Release]

How To Launch A Strategic Employee Onboarding Program

Every new hire needs personalized support to bridge gaps and achieve their full potential. But where do you even begin when it's time to prep employees for their first day on the job? How do you create a meaningful onboarding program that encourages lifelong learning? This eBook explores every aspect of the process, from essential resources to implementing gamification. First, let's look at a few tips to help you find the best eLearning solutions for your onboarding program.

eBook Release
The Pillars Of Strategic Employee Onboarding
Discover ideas about how to implement a flexible, effective onboarding program that can improve retention rates, help new hires hit the ground running, and start to build connections before the new employee’s first day on the job.

Tips To Select The Best eLearning Content Provider For Your Onboarding Processes

You need an outsourcing partner who values your input and understands your spending limits. They should also be aware of the challenges associated with your industry. Specifically, the obstacles your new hires must overcome to fill the void in your organization. How do you know which eLearning content provider is right for your onboarding processes? Here are some tips for selecting an outsourcing partner that meets all your expectations.

1. Identify Onboarding Gaps

If you’ve already built up an employee onboarding program, the outsourcing company will primarily focus on the gaps; namely, aspects of your strategy that are lacking or specific topics missing from your support library. This allows you to get maximum returns and avoid redundant content. So, conduct a business needs analysis to spot areas for improvement and how the eLearning content provider can help you fill the holes. This also enables you to pinpoint the ideal specialization areas and solutions.

2. Set up a meeting

Set up meetings or consultations with eLearning companies that meet all of your requirements. Create a list of questions you need to ask to ensure they’re a good fit. You should also have some basic info to provide them, like the project scope, which activities are involved, and your estimated timeline. Key members of your team (and theirs) should be there to offer input and address their respective concerns.

3. Create An Accurate Outsourcing Budget

How much money do you have to work with? Do you already have resources you can repurpose to reduce spending? How much can you allocate to outsourcing versus in-house tasks? For example, your internal payroll, software, and other costs occupy about 75% of your budget. Create an accurate onboarding process budget for outsourcing that takes all fees into consideration, from vetting vendors (i.e. contracting sample projects) to ongoing upkeep. Meet with your team to identify any costs you’ve overlooked. For instance, you may also need an LMS to deploy and track all that interactive content the outsourcing company will provide.

4. Focus On Brand Values

The right employee onboarding training solutions align with your company values and beliefs. These outsourcing partners take the time to immerse in your brand so that their content meshes with your existing course design. Some may even conduct a brief training needs assessment to identify hidden pain points in your strategy. They should also have experience in your niche or industry, as well as provide a targeted list of solutions that meet your needs.

About This eBook

Here's a brief glimpse of what you'll find inside this ultimate guide:


Your in-house staffers don’t have to carry the weight of onboarding development alone. But how do you find the best eLearning content provider for your new hire training without going over budget? Which resources should you include and why? How do you maximize modern tech to boost employee engagement? Download the eBook The Pillars Of Strategic Employee Onboarding for insider secrets to launching a new hire training program that's adaptive, personalized, and perfectly suited for your modern workforce.

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