6 Tips To Choose The Ideal Custom Mobile Learning Solutions Provider For Compliance Online Training

6 Tips To Choose The Ideal Custom Mobile Learning Solutions Provider For Your Compliance Program

6 Tips To Choose The Ideal Custom Mobile Learning Solutions Provider For Your Compliance Program

How To Choose The Ideal Custom Mobile Learning Solutions Provider For Compliance Online Training

Our relationship with technology is a curious one. It always has been. Apart from those who are scientifically minded (whom we might describe in derogatory terms), we’re not really interested in the ‘how’. As long as the lights go on when you press the switch, you don’t care how electricity works. And as long as the app helps you qualify for license renewal, you don’t need to know its mechanics. So is it possible to identify a suitable mobile LMS provider without the assistance of your own mobile techie? Here are some top tips to choose the ideal custom mobile learning solutions provider for your compliance online training program.

eBook Release
Modern And Multiplatform-Friendly: Everything You Need To Know To Implement A Mobile LMS For Online Training
Find out the surprising benefits of investing in a mobile LMS that features a mobile learning app.

1. Industry Regulations

Compliance consists of multiple levels. They are generally divided into human safety and equipment maintenance. Some rules are focused on avoiding injury. Others are aimed at preventing expensive damage and repairs. Beyond that, some regulations encompass your entire business sector while others are internal. External compliance pushes for uniformity. So, for example, you should feel equally safe with any doctor, because they, ideally, apply the same Hippocratic oath. That’s why they’re all licensed by the same medical board. Similarly, check that your compliance designer is approved by your industry’s governing body. Or that they are at least up to date with the latest laws and regulations that pertain to your niche. Especially if you’re seeking a custom mobile learning solutions provider because of recently updated legislation.

2. Design Expertise

If you’re outside the industry, you can easily be misinformed. For example, it may be unclear to you that Android / iOS development and computer coding languages aren’t the same. Thus, you might go to a desktop developer and accept their claims that they can make phone apps. It’s a different skill-set, and while it’s not mutually exclusive, it’s not a given either. Not everyone that can build for desktop is able to build for mobile. So, ask them to show you samples of their mobile apps. They may have outsourced their mobile talent, but at least you can test the apps and see that they work. You can also look out for specific mobile features you want in your own compliance online training course.

3. Responsive Tools

A lot of words get thrown around when discussing mobile training. Phrases like intuitive navigation, mobile optimization, or responsive development. They’ve become buzzwords now, but they do have substance and still convey meaning. A responsive online training course automatically adapts itself to desktops, laptops, tablets or smartphone screens. You don’t need a separate product for each one. But it’s all in the way it’s built. Some developers prefer to build a separate compliance online training course for the web, then accompany it with a ‘free mobile app.’ That approach can be cost-effective, but only if they don’t charge extra for the mobile version. Ask them to explain their approach towards responsiveness, in detail and preferably with examples.

4. Work Practices

Some of us put more emphasis on mission and vision than others. As such, if your company philosophy is important to you, look for a mobile training provider that’s congruent with your beliefs. It could be their measures for environmental conservation or their CSR projects. Do they give back to the community? How supportive is their internship/sponsorship program for youngsters? Is their development process structured or ad hoc? Will they give you a schedule with timelines and check-ins? Or do they prefer to design by ear and invite you to visit and/or offer input at will? How much involvement do they require or allow, given they’re customizing your mobile compliance online course? Where do you have a say?

5. Trusted Reviews/Ratings

Look online for reviews and ratings from others who have gone with the custom mobile learning solutions provider in the past. What do they have to say about their customer service or support? Were they happy with the end result? If not, why were they dissatisfied, and do these areas of concern align with yours? For example, the reviewer may have noted that the provider never took the time to explore company policies or the brand identity which is something that is a top priority for your organization. Thus, that provider may not be the best fit for your outsourcing project.

6. Test It Out

Don’t just take their word for it. Test the product. Ask the provider to develop a multiplatform-friendly sample using your in-house mobile LMS. Then take it for a test drive to ensure it meets your requirements. Don’t just pay attention to the quality of the content or the overall aesthetic. You should also focus on functionality. Does it work on different devices, or are certain employees going to be left out thanks to their accessibility preferences? Have they verified that images, text blocks, and buttons are right where they should be based on the breakpoints?

You don’t have to be a mobile programmer to shop for mobile training apps. But you do have to know what to look for. Otherwise, you’ll choose a custom mobile learning solutions provider that doesn’t meet your training needs. What're the right criteria? Look for a company whose philosophy aligns with yours. Their workflow should match your as well, whether you’re an extemporaneous thinker or a perfectionist over-planner. If there’s no synchrony between you, the constant conflict will affect course development results. Confirm they can actually build for mobile and test their products to be sure they fully understand responsive design.

Why should you implement a mobile LMS for online training? Download our eBook Modern And Multiplatform-Friendly: Everything You Need To Know To Implement A Mobile LMS For Online Training to discover tips to stay on top of trends and find a flexible mobile LMS app. It also includes a demo checklist that can help you determine which platform is right for your company. Get your copy today to find out what it takes to implement a modern and multiplatform-friendly training program that stretches your L&D budget.

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