6 Tips To Find VR Training Content Providers Within Your Price Range

VR Training Content Providers: Find Your Match

VR Training Content Providers: Find Your Match

Insider Secrets For VR Training Content Outsourcing

Many organizations choose to bring in a VR content provider rather than developing online training resources in-house. You get to tap into their expertise and avoid eLearning software costs. It also saves you the time and expense of hiring a VR tech team of your own. You’ve decided that Virtual Reality is the right option and secure funding, which is reason enough to celebrate. But there’s one more hurdle to face; how do you find VR training content providers in your price range? Here are some tips to choose a Virtual Reality partner that understands your vision and your budget limitations.

eBook Release
VR Training Outsourcing: Your Guide To Launching A Successful Virtual Reality Training Program With A Top-Notch Content Provider
Find the ideal partner for Virtual Reality training and transform employee training into an immersive and engaging experience.

1. Identify The Best VR Training Topics And Challenges

It might not be feasible to transform your entire online training catalog into a VR library. Aside from cost reasons, some topics are best suited for other delivery formats. Before you look for the right VR training content providers, define the scope. Identify the best training topics, skills gaps, and performance challenges that are ideally suited for VR environments. This is also a good time to evaluate online training resources you already have and look for reusable content. For instance, you may simply need the vendor to convert videos into Virtual Reality resources.

2. Clarify VR’s Role In Your Online Training Strategy

There is a specific reason—or 20 of them—why you’ve chosen VR training. Define Virtual Reality’s role in your online training strategy and how it will help you achieve your online training objectives. You may want to start with supplemental VR training tools to provide moment-of-need support. Or convert an entire certification path into a VR experience. You should also conduct a needs analysis to determine what’s lacking and how Virtual Reality training offers a viable solution. Another crucial step is gauging the tech familiarity of your team. If they need support resources to help them use the VR training tools, this may take away from your online training content provider budget.

3. Calculate An Accurate Budget Based On Existing Resources

I briefly mentioned existing resources, but it’s not only online training materials you must consider. Do you need to invest in VR headsets? Are you purchasing custom content or choosing from the vendor’s online training library? How much is ongoing maintenance and/or revisions? You must also determine if you must pay for software out of pocket, or if that’s part of the deal. Look for hidden fees that reduce your ROI and plan for unexpected roadblocks that might lead to overspending. You don’t know which VR training content providers are in your price range until you identify that range. Even if your top choices submit estimates based on your requirements.

4. Use An Online Directory To Expedite The Search

VR content provider websites don’t usually spell out the pricing terms or associated costs. You have to contact them directly for their fees and determine if their solutions mesh with your budget. However, there is a quick way to reveal their starting price, company info, and specialization areas. Use an online directory with user reviews to verify their credentials and customer service before reaching out. You don’t want to waste your time or theirs if they’re out of your price range or lack the necessary expertise. For example, they aren’t familiar with VR compliance training or only provide custom-tailored solutions. Online directory listings also feature their contact details so you can speak with their rep right away. As if that wasn’t stress-free enough, there are even built-in search filters for solutions, customers, industries, and specialties.

5. Evaluate Vendors’ Other Solutions And Services

You need content authoring and graphic design services in addition to VR training. You could choose separate vendors for every project. Or you could save time and money by hiring a provider who does it all. Evaluate which other training solutions they offer and consider a "bundle deal." Some VR training content providers add on services at a discounted rate. At the very least, you only have to work with a single vendor and familiarize yourself with their contract terms and business practices. Ultimately, you want a provider you can team up with for years to come and form a mutually beneficial partnership.

6. Set Up A Meeting To Discuss Project Requirements And Pricing Options

This final step is reserved for your top choice and gives you the chance to interact with them one-on-one as well as discuss your requirements, online training objectives, and budget range. Ask about pricing options, payment structure, and other key factors. They might not be able to meet with you in person, but a video conferencing or phone call can clear up any doubts. Have a list of questions to make sure you touch on all the bases and get the most from your meeting. Another option is to visit their social media pages to see how quickly they respond to questions and their level of expertise. Do they skirt pricing queries? Move on to their website to get a feel for their design skills and approach. Do they clearly outline their services and fees or is it packed with fine print?

Working with VR content training providers shouldn’t require a blank check. They must be aware of available resources and possibly even reuse assets you already have to cut costs. The key is transparency. Let them know your VR training budget and your expectations so there aren’t any surprises. Get everything in writing, including the scope of the project, online training content maintenance, and payment schedules. Finally, start small if your budget only allows for limited VR integration. This also gives you the opportunity to test the content providers’ services and see if they’re a good match.

You can launch your own successful VR training program with the right eLearning outsourcing partner, regardless of the resources and size of your business. Download the eBook VR Training Outsourcing: Your Guide To Launching A Successful Virtual Reality Training Program With A Top-Notch Content Provider and find out how to warrant your investment while boosting your employees’ performance and self-confidence.

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