Top Training Techniques And Trends That Should Make A Comeback In 2022

Top Training Techniques And Trends That Should Make A Comeback In 2022

Top Training Techniques And Trends That Should Make A Comeback In 2022

6 Returning Training Techniques And Trends

We learn from the past. Every point on the timeline is a stepping-stone that took us in another direction. Or forced us to re-evaluate our current strategy. But that doesn’t mean we should simply forget about tried and tested techniques. There are numerous trends and methodologies that employees expect to see in your online training course. And for good reason. These L&D staples are engaging, interactive, and memorable. Of course, you may need to make some minor adjustments to bring them up to date. These 6 training techniques and trends should make their triumphant return in 2022.

Trends To Keep On Your Radar In 2022

1. Apprenticeships

For centuries, people learned by doing. They shadowed professionals as they crafted wares and utilized their skills. Today, you can use modern learning technologies to incorporate apprenticeships into your strategy. Video conferencing tools and PM platforms allow mentors to host live sessions and show mentees how it’s done. As well as create demos and follow-up tools to hone their talents. They can also work together to address personal areas for improvement and enhance performance behaviors remotely. Such as developing contracts that hold both parties accountable and outline the objectives. This all takes place away from customers so that new hires can take risks and not worry about denting satisfaction scores.

2. ILT Training (With A Twist)

I know that critics say ILT training is on its way out. That it can’t compete with LMSs and all the benefits they bring. However, there’s still a place for ILT in the modern workplace. With a caveat, that is. Instructors should be able to use learning technologies to enhance the curriculum and eliminate the downsides. For example, launch a micro-learning library to ease their burden and give employees moment of need support. Or give them access to LMS analytics they can use to improve the curriculum, as well as video conferencing tools to host live events instead of traveling to remote training sites. The LMS merely restructures their role instead of eliminating it.

3. On-The-Job Training

The trouble with on-the-job training is that it’s on-the-job. Employees don’t have the chance to prep before they’re thrown in the deep end. But what if you could give trainees the same experience without fraying their nerves? Simulations and branching scenarios give employees the chance to explore surroundings and overcome stressful situations. It’s in a risk-free environment where they’re able to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement. These online training tools mimic the same emotions and challenges to build employees’ self-confidence. So, they’re ready to handle customer complaints and pitch those products when they clock in.

4. Safety Videos

First things first, I’m in no way advocating over-dramatized safety videos with cliched characters and cheesy soundtracks. Those have no place in modern online training. However, safety demo videos that feature realistic scenarios and step-by-step walkthroughs are a must. You can use animated video software to reenact complex processes that may inflict bodily harm. Or even get your employees to act out the scene to make it more authentic. Say goodbye to Oscar-worthy performances and hello to subtle demonstrations that mitigate risks.

5. Mistake-Driven Learning

Making mistakes is part of life. Though mistake-driven learning has never fully left the picture, it has been pushed aside. Primarily because organizations are afraid of where it might lead. Those employees will grow so accustomed to making training errors that it bleeds into the workplace. But the purpose is to encourage risks in a supportive environment so that they don’t happen on the job. Trainees already know what works and what leads to minor catastrophes because they’ve seen it all before. Practical examples, do/don’t videos, and anecdotes are other training techniques that allow them to benefit from someone else’s mistakes.

6. Compliance Workshops

Traditional compliance training involved long presentations, printed exams, and plenty of yawns. Moving compliance workshops online makes them easily accessible and fully interactive. Not to mention, reduces training costs since you don’t have to pay for site rentals or travel fees. Host a one-day workshop that covers all the essentials or break it into sub-topics to ease the cognitive load. Some organizations even hold boot camps for intensive training. Web conferencing software, social media, and a collaborative LMS make it all possible. Don’t forget to supplement the experience with microlearning resources to reinforce knowledge and give employees remote support.

Bonus tip: How To Stay On Top Of Trends

Virtually any online training trend can be revived with a little creative thinking and the right technology. Staying current with trends and techniques can provide inspiration. For instance, join social media groups where members discuss the latest and greatest methods. Or read blogs from industry thought leaders who offer their sage advice and tell you which trends to keep on the radar. Attend tech events or workshops that highlight online training innovations. Another way to bring the past into the present is to evaluate the assets you already have to see how they can improve. That PowerPoint presentation may not be a good fit for your current compliance course. But a rapid authoring tool or content conversion provider can revitalize resources and stretch your budget.


From apprenticeships to safety reenactments, there are some online training tools that never go out of style. Granted, they may need some fine-tuning to retain their charm for modern audiences. Drop the over-dramatizations and use learning technologies to give instructors continual support. You should also incorporate mistake-driven learning to encourage employees to take calculated risks. Are there any training trends or techniques you think should make a comeback this year?

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