5 Features Your Training Tracking Software Should Have For Effective Employee Onboarding

5 Features Your Training Tracking Software Should Have For Effective Employee Onboarding
Summary: Find out the features your training tracking software needs to have so your employee onboarding goes as smoothly as possible.

Effective Employee Onboarding: 5 Features Your Training Tracking Software Should Have

When you’re shopping around for training tracking software, it can be hard to know what to look for. What are the features that will allow you to get the most out of your investment in a new system?

Boost Your Onboarding Training ROI With The Right Training Tracking Software
Discover the benefits of training tracking software, the essential metrics you need to track, and how useful training tracking software can be for onboarding!

We’ve picked those 5 features we think you need to look for in order to ensure you’re picking the best training tracking software possible when it comes to employee onboarding.

1. CRM For Storing Staff Details

Having a CRM as part of your training tracking software is a great idea because it allows you to store details of all your staff members in a central place which can then be used when the time comes to schedule your training.

When you need to sign staff up to certain training sessions, they will already have a profile created within your CRM, which you can then use to assign them to the training session. This will mean that they will automatically be added to the email list for that course and will receive any communications you need to send out about the training. This saves lots of manual effort for your internal training team, as they don’t need to manually compile the contact list and then send the emails themselves!

It also means all the training that is completed will be assigned to the team members' profile, so both your internal team and the staff themselves will be able to check and see what training they have completed in the past, as well as what training they are signed up for in the future.

2. Reporting System

Your training tracking software is going to collect lots of important data, so it makes sense that is has reporting functionality as well, so you can report on and study the data more closely.

Having an integrated reporting system makes reporting much easier because you don’t have to export the data and import it into another system in order to compile your report, which can waste most of your time.

It also means you can set up reports to compile automatically, and they will be updated in real-time with the most up-to-date information available, all without your team doing any manual work.

3. Course-Scheduling System

While you may think a course scheduling system is for those who are selling their training externally, it’s actually a vital tool when it comes to training your internal team as well. Using a course scheduling system, you can schedule all your internal training whether it’s classroom-based, eLearning, or blended. This means you can track all of your training, no matter the delivery method, from one central point.

It also means you can easily assign staff to each of your training courses so you can always get an overview of all the training courses you have scheduled, and who is attending each course.

4. Ability To Integrate With Your LMS

Integrating your training tracking software with your Learning Management System (LMS) will make keeping an eye on all your eLearning students much easier. Not only can you see all the classes you have running and who is signed up to each, but you will also be able to track the following things:

  • Who has finished a course
  • Where in the course students currently are
  • When the last time was when a student was active with their eLearning
  • Assessment results
  • If there are any sticking points in the course
  • How many times students had to re-sit assessments in order to pass

5. Personalised Learning Tracks

Training tracking software that comes with learning tracks functionality will make your life much easier because it means it’s straightforward to set up personalised training plans for every staff member in your business, and that is especially vital for onboarding.

Once you have all your training courses set up, you can assign them to a personalised learning track. You will even be able to decide the order in which staff should complete the training and if there are any deadlines which they need to meet in order to stick to the learning path.

This means that when a training session is marked as complete in your training tracking software, it will be reflected on that staff members' learning path as well. It’s an excellent way for you and your staff to keep track of all the training they need to do, as well as making sure they are on track with their training for the year.

Originally published on December 27, 2018