10 Useful LMS Reports To Keep On Your Radar

10 Useful LMS Reports To Keep On Your Radar
Summary: Reporting is important for any business, but what are the key reports you should be compiling? We take a look at the top LMS reports you should be considering!

Those Useful LMS Reports You Should Focus On

When it comes to LMS reporting, you might know that reporting is a vital business practice, but which reports are going to prove the most useful? There's no point in pulling lots of reports, which are jam-packed with data if they're not going to help you measure your training and make important decisions for the future of your business.

Big Data For Big Profits: How LMS Reporting Can Help Your Training Company Achieve Success
Discover all the different ways LMS reporting can be beneficial for your training business, and what sorts of data you can pull from your Learning Management System.

Reporting for the sake of it is just a waste of time and effort, and doesn’t give you the actual data you need, so we’re going to show you some of the main LMS and training reports you need to focus on to help you get the answers you need!

1. Assessment Grades

One key report that you need to be able to pull is the assessment results for your students. You can view this overall for all your training or take a more detailed look at a specific course. Basically, you should be able to break it down to exactly the way you need to see the data.

Being able to see assessment results will give you more insight into things like how challenging your classes are for your students, or whether your assessments themselves need some changes to make them more easily understandable. Being able to report on this data at all times will allow you to see patterns as they start to develop so you can tackle them before they turn into bigger issues.

2. Learner Progress

As eLearning students will have far less interaction with your teaching staff than instructor-led students would have, it’s a great idea to report on learner progress to make sure your students are getting on with the course content and aren't running into problems.

When you set up your eLearning courses you should have a rough idea of how long it will take the average student to complete the course. Obviously, one huge benefit of eLearning is the fact that students can learn at their own rate, so there may be many reasons for a student not being where you expect them to be. However, if you notice students consistently getting stuck at a certain part of the course, this could be a bigger problem, which this report will draw your attention.

3. Student Feedback

Student feedback is hugely important, so it’s vital you don't just ask your students to complete surveys and then do nothing useful with the data. Reporting on this data can allow you to see how much students are enjoying your course, how useful they find the information they are learning, whether they have struggled with particular areas, whether they would purchase training from you again, and much more!

Comparing the data from across all your courses will allow you to create a bigger picture of how your training company is performing in the eyes of your students and will give you the tools to make positive changes where needed.

4. Completion Rates

Reporting on completion rates will allow you to see how many students are finishing your courses versus the number of students who signed up for the course in the first place. If you have a course which has a low completion rate, you need to take a look and see why this could be happening.

If students aren't completing your courses, that means they are unhappy with the service they have received. It's important to take a look at what could be causing students to give up part of the way through a course and make the changes necessary for them to complete their learning with you.

5. Learner Engagement

A learner engagement report will give you a bigger picture of how your students are interacting with your course as a whole. It will let you see important things such as:

  • When they start the course.
  • How quickly they make their way through the course.
  • If they complete the course in order or jump about between modules.
  • If some modules take longer to complete than others.
  • When they complete assessments along the way.

6. Course Sales

It’s obviously incredibly important for a training company to be able to report on all the course sales they have. If you offer other training delivery options, such as Instructor-Led Training or blended learning options, it can be useful to report on your eLearning offering separately to see how that part of the business is performing on its own.

7. Quiz/Mini-Assessment Results

While the end of course assessment results is important, it's also a good idea to report on mini quiz and assessment results which you have scattered throughout your eLearning course. Whether these are mandatory for students to complete or not, they can give you a great indication of a how a student is progressing through a course, as well as seeing how well they understood the material from a particular module or section of the course.

8. Overall Participants For Each Course

Reporting on the number of students you have had for each eLearning course you run will allow you to see which of your courses are the most popular. This will allow you to evaluate if it’s worth running some of your less popular classes, or what steps you can take to try and increase the course sales for these particular courses.

It will also clearly show you which of your courses are the most popular, so you can perhaps enhance them even further, or decide which courses are best to focus your marketing efforts on.

9. Breakdowns Per Module

Breaking down your reporting to focus on each individual module in a course will allow you to get a more detailed picture of how your course is performing overall. Perhaps, your students are all passing your course, but there is one module they are all having trouble with. Reporting on each module individually will allow you to drill down into this detail, instead of glossing over it if you’re just looking at the bigger picture.

10. Overall Training History

Reporting on the overall training history of each of your students is a great idea because it will show you all the courses a particular student has ever completed with you. Perhaps they’ve completed several different types of training with you, or maybe they have progressed through different levels of the same qualification. Either way, this can give you useful insight into student behavior, which could help when you're planning marketing strategies, remarketing to past students, or cross-referencing courses across your website.

Originally published on March 26, 2018