Using A Corporate LMS For Automated Training In Aviation

Automated Corporate LMS And The Aviation Industry
Summary: As you leverage cloud-based learning with a corporate LMS, organizations in the aviation sector can enable automated training.

How An Automated Corporate LMS Can Help In The Aviation Industry

There is a shortage of staff in the aviation industry. There could be many reasons for this shortage, but the lack of a holistic, seamless learning and training environment would definitely be one of the reasons. As one of the most highly regulated industries, aviation needs properly trained staff, managers, planners, pilots, and others who are skilled. Therefore, the need for a corporate LMS is crucial.

Doing this the traditional way is next to impossible, simply because of the sheer variety of training and the diversity of learners. A corporate LMS is, therefore, a solution for the aviation industry in order to help tackle some pressing challenges.

The way an automated corporate LMS helps the aviation industry is twofold: by benefiting both the learners and the business.

Modular And Self-Driven Learning

Everybody has a different pace of learning and acquiring information or knowledge. Further, everybody has different strengths and weaknesses, and unique schedules. So, the more convenient a learning system is, the better the training and the higher the engagement will be. This is precisely what automated corporate LMSs do, they make the entire learning experience modular and self-driven.

You get to have a central repository of your course content that can be accessed by all the learners from anywhere, at any time. You can keep adding resources and material to this repository, and it’ll be available to everyone with access in real time. You can even create automated quizzes for feedback and save the time that would have otherwise been spent there.

Recognition Increases Engagement

A recent survey found that 1 out of 3 people received praise in the last seven days. That was also the ratio of people feeling engaged with their jobs. This might be a coincidence, but there’s a clear correlation here.

Recognition and engagement go hand in hand. As much as you’d like to reward and encourage your people for every little achievement, there’s seldom time for this in real life. An automated corporate LMS can make this task easier for you. This can be done by looking at the stats of the number of people who have completed different courses, what grades they’ve received, what was the course completion duration, and so on.

To spice up this aspect further, you can use gamification. With gamification, you can set up levels, points, rewards, and leaderboards to recognize milestones and encourage employees to keep moving with tier training journeys.

More Feedback, More Often

Apart from recognition, feedback also goes a long way if given with good intention. Oftentimes, learners are stuck in their journey because they lack feedback, and they’re not sure if they’re doing the right thing or not. There’s nothing worse than slogging away relentlessly only to find it was all for nothing.

With an automated corporate LMS, trainers can provide personalized, clear, timely feedback in a more structured manner. You can also set up follow-ups for the feedback to help the learner throughout their journey, or share different learning resources relevant to particular feedback (i.e., if there’s something more that the learner needs to learn).

Anticipate Your Employees’ Learning Needs

As we mentioned earlier, the aviation industry has seen many changes in the last few years. If we go by empirical data, this transformation will only continue in the coming years. As a result, job roles are always evolving and so are employees’ learning needs. Traditional learning systems don’t cater to such just-in-time learning requirements and are often hardwired to a strict structure. In that scenario, the employees must either request training themselves or wait for training to be provided.

This problem is completely resolved with an automated corporate LMS as you can use the dashboard to check various insights to gauge work performance data. This includes details like assessments completed, grades received, and more. Using these details, you can quickly allocate the right courses to the right people, ensuring that each employee gets the skills that they need the most and are most relevant to their job.

Reduce Time And Money Spent

Providing training to an audience as diverse as in the aviation industry is truly a costly affair. If we take a small example, say, 1,000 employees need to have their authorizations renewed, you'll need to ensure that each and every one of them gets timely updates and goes through the process before a lapse, otherwise it could lead to costly mistakes.

With an automated corporate LMS, you can cut down on that cost, as the system sends timely updates, and by making the process of authorization digital, the process becomes more efficient. Needless to say, all of this will lead to a lot of cost-cutting, especially when compared to traditional methods of training.

The aviation industry has always struggled with the training aspect. Now, it has a solution in the form of an automated corporate LMS.