eBook Release: VILT—Why Virtual Class Readiness Matters For Your L&D Team

Free eBook: VILT Training—Why Virtual Class Readiness Matters For Your L&D Team
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Summary: Don't you think it's time to incorporate VILT into your corporate training strategy? If you've encountered issues including consistency and cost-effectiveness in your courses, then this is the moment to move forward. However, before your training department can make a move from traditional, in-person training to Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT), your L&D team needs to understand the value of virtual training and how this type of training works within a virtual classroom environment. 

VILT Readiness: The Importance Of VILT For Your L&D Department

Virtual Instructor-Led Training gives learners the freedom to learn where it's convenient for them. In this way, learning becomes accessible to all customers, employees, and partners. However, some training departments believe that making a move from in-person training to virtual training is a daunting task. This eBook proves the opposite.

eBook Release: VILT: Why Virtual Class Readiness Matters For Your L&D Team
eBook Release
VILT: Why Virtual Class Readiness Matters For Your L&D Team
Learn if your business is ready to implement VILT and how it can help your L&D achieve efficient training delivery.

There are plenty of benefits when using a virtual class to train stakeholders. Before deciding to move forward, you need to check your organization's VILT readiness. Your L&D team has to know how a virtual class works, explore cost savings, and decide why there is a need to invest in VILT. Virtual Instructor-Led Training is an excellent training solution, especially when looking for good training ROI. All you need to do is determine how to choose the right vendors for your virtual class training needs.

What's your organization's virtual training readiness? In VILT: Why Virtual Class Readiness Matters For Your L&D Team, you'll find all the information you need. With these tips, you will manage your organization's transition from ILT to VILT in no time.

The Key Benefits Of VILT And Why You Need To Implement It

When it comes to transitioning to VILT, you need to consider your stakeholders' education and background. One thing is sure, VILT is not the same as a webinar. When thinking of ways to start training employees, customers, or students, you'll find that there are plenty of training methods you can choose. But which is the most efficient L&D training strategy for your organization's budget, time, and resources?

The key highlights of VILT will help you decide if it is the right approach for your business. By opting for VILT, you will be able to reach a wider training audience. No matter if they are spread out over vast geographical locations. You can keep recordings of your training sessions and use them later on as online learning resources. VILT can support valuable interactions, like polls. Your L&D team might also take advantage of VILT and conduct group activities by using breakout rooms and online questions. What's more, your L&D team can share content resources in advance, but also manage to obtain feedback and track learners' performance faster.

Getting A Bit Deeper Into This eBook's Content

Webinars and online training are widely-utilized online training options. Yet, there are distinct differences between them. This eBook will help you decide which of the two is the best for your training needs. Although webinars are typically affordable, they lack customizable features. For this reason, your L&D team might need to opt for VILT and online training courses.

Furthermore, in this eBook, you will discover why virtual students learn better than in-person students. Transitioning to online training is imperative if you don't want your organization to be left behind. You can deliver VILT in a virtual or simulated environment. Virtual instruction environments focus on simulating the traditional learning experience. Thus, it is essential to choose and train your virtual instructors with clear objectives.

Your L&D team can design a successful VILT program by choosing competent and experienced virtual instructors. The set up of the virtual classroom is also of equal importance for correct implementation and delivery.

VILT is one of the fastest-growing methods of online learning delivery. Apart from being practical, software technology has helped VILT to become a go-to eLearning solution for reaching a more extensive learning audience efficiently.

Virtual Instructor-Led Training helps shape the way people learn. Plenty of businesses implement VILT as a part of a broader blended-learning solution. Apart from being used for training and development, as a business, you can include VILT in your customer and product training. You might also benefit from VILT for your professional development. Learning and Development teams use a VILT approach for their sales training and onboarding.

Academia is also another field that takes advantage of Virtual Instructor-Led Training. You can find more than enough colleges and universities which offer online courses or even full graduate and undergraduate programs based on VILT technology. In the last few years, VILT had a positive effect on schools with the use of open online course platforms (MOOC). The main aim is to provide free education.

This eBook will give you insight into your organization's VILT readiness and help you manage the transition to virtual training.

Assess Your Virtual Class Readiness For A Successful VILT Transition

Switching to VILT is cost-effective and can be a good Return On Investment. VILT lowers your organization's training expenses. Reducing costs is a significant motivation for most companies when considering to switch from traditional to virtual training.

Yet, cost-effectiveness is only one of its powerful benefits. The eBook VILT: Why Virtual Class Readiness Matters For Your L&D Team includes a 12-question assessment. This questionnaire will give you an insight into your organization's VILT readiness.

Someone has to take care of the technical aspects of your VILT, possibly assistant instructors. Proper material distribution is critical for your VILT effectiveness. Never forget that the success of your VILT transition depends on your contingency plans. The latter is vital for the virtual classroom environment.

But the move to virtual training is quite simple. How do you know if your organization is ready for this type of change? To make a move to VILT, you might have to choose and evaluate training vendors or maybe run a pilot class with some training vendors to make your vendor selection easier.

Download the free eBook VILT: Why Virtual Class Readiness Matters For Your L&D Team and find out if you are ready to take the next step.

Originally published on November 25, 2019