4 Virtual Learning Needs To Consider In A Remote Working Environment

Virtual Learning Needs To Consider In A Remote Working Environment

Virtual Learning Needs To Consider In A Remote Working Environment

Supporting Employee Learning Needs Virtually

With no clear end in sight to the shift toward remote work and education, it’s imperative for businesses and learning institutions to be thinking about how to support their employees and students in remote environments best.

eBook Release
How Virtual Learning Meets Employee Training Needs In Today’s Remote Working Environment
Learn how to employ virtual learning to meet the needs of your learners and your organization.

Functional performance support, focused learning, effective means of training delivery, and organizational support are key to ensuring employee engagement under any circumstances, but the virtual element introduces something of a curveball. In uncertain times, it’s crucial for employees to feel supported, valued, and encouraged so they can focus their energies on the smooth running of the organization. In concrete terms, what does that look like?

1. Performance Support

Employees working remotely can’t just poke their heads out of the office door to ask a colleague a question. Now more than ever you’re going to have to make sure that your employees have the information they need, when they need it.

The more you demonstrate that you’re being responsive to employee needs in terms of performance support, the more you can head off the possibility of creeping organizational isolation.

2. Focused Learning

Independent of the business sector, the need for employees to learn new skills and behaviors is stronger than ever. A lot of new workplace realities are being set in motion, whether that means increased responsibilities due to workforce reduction or adopting new behaviors related to limiting viral spread upon (eventual) return to an in-person workplace. Learning will need to be tight and targeted. Immediate needs might include:

Virtual learning doesn’t have to have a lot of bells and whistles. What it must be is fit for purpose, clearly communicated, and easily accessible.

3. Tools For Effective Training Delivery

What tools does your organization have ready in order to deliver training? Rather than focus on a particular software, or the difference between conference software and virtual classroom software, think about how most effective virtual training is designed and delivered. Humans like short, digestible chunks of information, a variety of delivery methods, and reinforcement over time. With these basic principles as a guide, the possibilities are suddenly endless. Think along the lines of:

Make them frequent, varied, and above all, pertinent to the needs of your employees.

4. Organizational Support

For those who are apprehensive about a shift toward remote working environments, you’ll need to communicate the potential advantages of working and learning at home with virtual learning. While your workforce almost certainly includes a number of individuals enthusiastic about working from home, who are secretly dreading an eventual return to the office, on the flip side there will be plenty of others for whom face-to-face workplace interaction is an important aspect of social well-being. Such individuals might find the transition to working from home more difficult. Organizations need to:

Your organization is likely to have specific needs with regard to performance support, focused learning, appropriate means of training delivery, and organizational support. A remote working environment might make it more challenging to be attentive to employee needs, but it’s more important than ever that your employees feel connected both with the organization and with each other. Implementing the suggestions here will go a long way toward boosting employee motivation, skills development, and retention.

If you're wondering how you can effectively implement virtual training in your organization and meet the needs of your learners and your organization, download the eBook How Virtual Learning Meets Employee Training Needs In Today’s Remote Working Environment. Find out more virtual learning resources and tips by joining this webinar, too!


[1] Working from Home: Obsidian Learning’s Guide to Thrive

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